- Tigrisoma fasciatum
Length 62-66cm (24-26in.) Typical body shape of a heron, with long neck, but often not extended. Body appears overall dark at a distance, but it has a fine pattern of stripes and bars. The neck and upper breast shows a single, vertical brown stripe bordered by white or buff plumage. Yellow markings on face. Top of flat head is slaty.
In Central America occurs in Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama and in South America found from Colombia and Venezuela south to Bolivia and north-west Argentina with a separate area of range in south-eastern Brazil and north-east Argentina. Resident.
Three races recognised. Nominate race occurs in southern Brazil, paler pallescens is found in a limited area of north-west Argentina and salmoni is smaller and more finely-barred and occurs over most of South American range.
Fast-flowing streams in humid montane forest.
Often stands on a boulder in mid-stream, catching fish from fast-flowing water. Patient, holds same pose for a considerable period, again typical of the family.