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White Memorial Conservation Area - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 14:03, 10 August 2007 by Deliatodd-18346 (talk | contribs)

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Over 4000 acres of bogs ,marshes,river.stream ,fields,hills,lakes and ponds. A very diverse area with well marked trails. A museum and information booth which lists when and where species of birds and mammals are located. Also a raised boardwalk that goes through a marsh and around a pond.Over 1and 1/2 miles long. A very pleasant walk. Over 20 miles of trails. You could`nt possibly be dissapointed . Most definatly check it out if your ever in the area.


Notable Species

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Content and images originally posted by robert s


robert s's review

You could spend a week checking out the trails and never be dissappointed .Unless it rained all week and thats highly improbable.You`re within about an hours drive to the beach.Many State parks within a 1/2 hours drive.


  • Very diverse easily accessable
  • Free
  • 100`s of possible bird species
  • well marked and maintaned trails
  • the raised board walk is pretty unique


  • Can`t think of any

streatham's review

Breeding Alder Fly - as reliable as any spot in CT, Blackburnian Warbler, YR Warbler, BT Green Warbler breed as do RB Nuthatch, Purple Finch, YB Sapsucker, Also a good place to find Virginia Rail on the aforementioned boardwalk.

In migration almost anything can show up in this massive park thanks to the large size and varied habitat of the park.

White Memorial is one of the more reliable and probably the easiest birded sites to find winter finches in CT. A good place to find Ruffed Grouse and in winter Bantam Lake seems to turn up good numbers of uncommon CT waterfowl, Snow Geese, Barrow's Goldeneye, Northern Shoveler, RN Grebe.


  • As good a site as their probably is in CT for both "Northern Breeders" and interesting wintering birds


  • Too far from my house ;)