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Scaly-breasted Bulbul - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 17:44, 18 April 2021 by Njlarsen (talk | contribs) (alternative scientific name added)

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Pycnonotus squamatus

Ixodia squamata

Photo by Dr Manjeet Singh.
Photo taken: Sungei Buloh, Selongor, Malaysia.


White underparts with black scales on breast and flanks diagnostic. Black head contrasts sharply with with white throat. Mantle and wings rich olive-yellow; undertail coverts and rump yellow and tail black. Size-16cm.


Tenasserim (Myanmar) through Malay Peninsula to the Greater Sundas.



Forest and forest edges.


Frequents the canopy; this bulbul is usualy seen foraging in small groups. Sometimes descends to to feed in the middle storey. Often calls as it feeds and moves about in the foliage.

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