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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Zeiss after-sales service? (1 Viewer)


I plan to buy Zeiss Conquest HD 10x42 but I heard very bad echoes of the after-sales service! :C

Any (bad/good) experience, comment...?

Reading some other thread about this bins, they look "long-awaited" and with a very good ratio "quality/price"!

Have no personal experience with Zeiss Europe, but Zeiss USA service for my 8x30Classic was exemplary, plus no charge beyond the postage to Zeiss.
There is also considerable additional feedback on this Forum, mostly very good, at least recently.
Yes, Zeiss USA is simply outstanding. I've had a couple great dealings with them over the years. Mike Jensen is a terrific executive and really cares about what they're doing and how they're doing it. A+!
Not had much dealings with Zeiss Europe but I did loose my objective caps for my HT's and a new set arrived within three days,pretty good in my opinion...Eddy
The after sales service from Zeiss in the UK is simply superb. My Conquest HD developed a problem with the dioptre and Zeiss had me send it back for inspection, paying the postage, and sent out a replacement within 5 days. Excellent. Very good communication too, replying promptly to emails.
I can't speak for any after sales service from Zeiss outside of the United States, but Zeiss USA service has been exemplary. After purchasing a Zeiss Terra ED, sans "pouch," they gave me the info how to get one from one of their dealers.

It arrived today, and it is a highly functional piece. Only cost was $7.95 for postage. It fits the Terra like a padded glove, is virtually rain and dust proof, comes with a separate carrying strap, and has a clever zip open small pouch under the overhanging lid to store Zeiss tissues. The closure is the nylon snap, easy to open and close. No zipper to laboriously open up and close and snag and eventually fail. No velcro pieces to mess with. IMO Zeiss hit a home run with the Terra, including the case.


P.S. I am not a shill for Zeiss.
I can't speak for any after sales service from Zeiss outside of the United States, but Zeiss USA service has been exemplary. After purchasing a Zeiss Terra ED, sans "pouch," they gave me the info how to get one from one of their dealers.

It arrived today, and it is a highly functional piece. Only cost was $7.95 for postage. It fits the Terra like a padded glove, is virtually rain and dust proof, comes with a separate carrying strap, and has a clever zip open small pouch under the overhanging lid to store Zeiss tissues. The closure is the nylon snap, easy to open and close. No zipper to laboriously open up and close and snag and eventually fail. No velcro pieces to mess with. IMO Zeiss hit a home run with the Terra, including the case.


P.S. I am not a shill for Zeiss.


You might be surprised to learn that the case supplied for the $350.00 Terra is actually better than that provided for the $2100.00 HT - as the HT case does not include the very handy zippered inner pocket!
I agree. And part of it is covered with cheap brown vinyl. I was thinking of calling Zeiss CS and asking if they'd like to exchange it for the straight black cordura case with a zippered pouch (to keep a lens cloth in).
My 7 x 42 T*FL, which I purchased after Zeiss discontinued it, is like the Terra case but bigger and with a bigger pocket.

Hello Xavier,

I have had two positive experiences with Zeiss USA. I bought a new 7x42 ClassiC, which had focussing problems, about nine years, ago. I did not take advantage of the vendor's return period, so I sent it to Zeiss USA, which promptly repaired it. Rather recently, an eye cup jammed, on an 8x32 FL, after the binocular fell off a chair. Again, prompt service was provided.
Like John Dracon, I am not a shill for Zeiss, but I am a satisfied customer.
Happy bird watching,
Arthur Pinewood :hi:
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James - I have reached the age where very little surprises me about most anything. But what you shared about the HT case is a surprise! The old cliches of "truth being stranger than fiction" and "miracles never cease"come to mind. The case which came with my Zeiss 8x32 FL is essentially identical but not better than the Terra case. Both made in China.

Bonjour Xavier,

I would say that a lot depends on your local dealer.
If that person is giving the right service, everything will be fine. The BeNeLux distributor (Technolyt) is really up to the game now, and I cannot fault Zeiss in Wetzlar.

I am dealing directly with Zeiss in Wetzlar as I bought my pair through a US dealer.

Hope this helps...
I think any response outside of Europe, and more specifically outside the place the topic starter buys the binoculars and/or resides, is not really representative.
Zeiss Repair Service UK

The focus wheel had jammed on my 7 x 42 BGA Dialyt bins.
Used the Cambridge Headquarters, UK.

I posted them Special Delivery on a Friday lunchtime from Hull - cost me a little over £12.

They were returned to me the following Friday - repairs carried out free of charge. I was using them in the field next day.

Can't ask for much more than that.

I suppose the only issue would be that I had exactly the same problem 12 months ago. Not sure why the focus wheel should keep jamming. Any thoughts?

I use them very frequently in all sorts of conditions including around 6 weeks a year at least in desert habitats i.e. dusty/sandy. Local patch has been Filey, Yorkshire, east coast site so lots of spray, damp to contend with.


Zeiss Repair Service UK

The focus wheel had jammed on my 7 x 42 BGA Dialyt bins.
Used the Cambridge Headquarters, UK.

I posted them Special Delivery on a Friday lunchtime from Hull - cost me a little over £12.

They were returned to me the following Friday - repairs carried out free of charge. I was using them in the field next day.

Can't ask for much more than that.

I suppose the only issue would be that I had exactly the same problem 12 months ago. Not sure why the focus wheel should keep jamming. Any thoughts?

I use them very frequently in all sorts of conditions including around 6 weeks a year at least in desert habitats i.e. dusty/sandy. Local patch has been Filey, Yorkshire, east coast site so lots of spray, damp to contend with.



Hi Frank

The 7x42 Dialyts are terrific characterful bins, but they are not 100% sealed. They are pretty good but as you focus and the eyepieces move there are opportunities for dust and moisture to get inside. New seals may help but if the surfaces the seals, well, seal against, are scored and worn then this might not cure the issue.

Salt spray landing on the tubes where the eyepieces slide could get inside as well and lead to corrosion. My wifes old Leitz Trinovids had a central hinge pin that was so corroded it split apart on disassembly, but thats another story.

Thanks for the comments Lee.

What would you suggest as an upgrade to my Zeiss 7 x 42 BGA Dialyt bins?

When I was in the Eagle Nest area I stood alongside several excellent birders most of whom were using x 10 top notch bins but mine absolutely out performed them in close dark conditions. It was very noticeable that I was getting longer, better quality views of e.g. tricky skulkers like wren-babblers.
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Thanks for the comments Lee.

What would you suggest as an upgrade to my Zeiss 7 x 42 BGA Dialyt bins?

When I was in the Eagle Nest area I stood alongside several excellent birders most of whom were using x 10 top notch bins but mine absolutely out performed them in close dark conditions. It was very noticeable that I was getting longer, better quality views of e.g. tricky skulkers like wren-babblers.

You are welcome. Your upgrade would depend very much on your budget.
Zeiss don't do 7x anymore but you might find an FL 7x42 around still and that is a very fine bin with great close focusing too.

At around £1450 you will find Zeiss HT 8x42 which is as bright or even brighter than your Dialyt and is fully water and dust proof too. I have one of these and have had it for nearly a year and it is just wonderful. The handling is sublime and the extra brightness has enabled me to see into shadowy areas.

May I ask what budget you have it mind?

Zeiss 7x42 classic binos

I've had my binos for 18 years and they have been used daily, recently one of the eyecups split so I emailed Zeiss Cambridge, just three days later a new pair of eyecups arrived FOC.
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