Puerto Morales, Quintana Roo, Yucutan Mexico, seen Nov 27-29 2024
a small flycatcher, extensive white throat and upper chest, red mid-chest (not apparent in the photos), and an amazing, almost fluorescent coral color in the belly (and a small patch on the butt). small bill, dark eyeline. Behaving like a typical flycatcher, perched on brush, flying out to catch insects, and returning to the same branch. I saw it on three consecutive days in the same area, with extensive brush piles on wetlands, at sea level (150 yards from the ocean). Tropical Kingbirds, Great Kiskadees, Tropical Mockingbirds, etc, also frequent this area. This is my second week birding this patch (over the last 2 years), and I have never seen anything like this. I'm using Van Perlo "Birds of Mexico and Central America" as a reference and not finding any matches. Thanks in advance for your help in identifying this bird.

a small flycatcher, extensive white throat and upper chest, red mid-chest (not apparent in the photos), and an amazing, almost fluorescent coral color in the belly (and a small patch on the butt). small bill, dark eyeline. Behaving like a typical flycatcher, perched on brush, flying out to catch insects, and returning to the same branch. I saw it on three consecutive days in the same area, with extensive brush piles on wetlands, at sea level (150 yards from the ocean). Tropical Kingbirds, Great Kiskadees, Tropical Mockingbirds, etc, also frequent this area. This is my second week birding this patch (over the last 2 years), and I have never seen anything like this. I'm using Van Perlo "Birds of Mexico and Central America" as a reference and not finding any matches. Thanks in advance for your help in identifying this bird.