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Where to bird near Omaha in Sept (1 Viewer)


bird happy
Hi there! I'll be in Omaha for a wedding the weekend of Sept 28, and was thinking of going a little early and getting some fall migration birding in beforehand. Does anyone have any recommendations for where specifically i should go? I've never been to Nebraska before. I live in TX.

Hi Sandra,
There are some great places around Omaha for quick visits during the day - Check out Fontenelle Forest and Laurtizen Gardens (the arboretum opposite the model train tracks). Both are close to/in the city and easy to get to. Fontenelle forest has a great boardwalk and some varied habitats (though the wetlands are not yet accessible after the Spring flooding) and Lauritzen Gardens has really easy and paved walking trails.
I moved here fairly recently, so I am still discovering good spots. I will add an update if I visit any other locations between now and September that would be good to visit. Thinking of good spots close to the city that I haven’t yet visited, off the top of my head Neale woods, Lake Manawa (waterbirds) and Hitchcock Nature center (for raptors/hawks) should be good. The latter two are just across the state line in Iowa, but close to Omaha.
Here is Audubon Omaha's September migration calendar https://audubon-omaha.org/go-birding/birding-calendar.html/calendar/2019/9
I wish you great birding during your visit. Please post an after visit summary if you can.
Best wishes,
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I second Fontenelle Forest as a place that's worth checking out any time of year. A few caveats: there is an entry fee, IIRC it doesn't open until 8am, and it's a large place, so it's most rewarding if you can devote some time to it.

Are there any species you're looking for in particular? September is too early for winter birds that don't also make it south to Texas, and the only resident species I can think of that might be new to a Texan are Black-capped Chickadee and Tufted Titmouse.

What part of town will you be staying in? We might be able to list some smaller parks that would be easy to visit even if you don't have a lot of time.
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