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What tripod for a 62APO ? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I have 99% decided to purchase a Lieica 62 APO: do others who have bought one have any recommendations as to a tripod ? a friend has suggested the Slik D3, but any advice would be welcome.

Whilst not clumsy, the fewer knobs I have to fiddle with, the better !
Manfrotto 190 (055 if you're tall) + 700RC2. Easy, smooth and firm. Just right.

If you're buying a zoom - have you, by chance, compared the Leica to the Zeiss Diascope 65FLT*? I reckon it's worth a look as its zoom eyepiece allows you to see far more of what you're trying to look at than the otherwise excellent Leica.
scampo said:
Manfrotto 190 (055 if you're tall) + 700RC2. Easy, smooth and firm. Just right.

If you're buying a zoom - have you, by chance, compared the Leica to the Zeiss Diascope 65FLT*? I reckon it's worth a look as its zoom eyepiece allows you to see far more of what you're trying to look at than the otherwise excellent Leica.
Many thanks for all your advice on my various posts: the spotty 'erbert in London Camera Exchange shop in Bath rubbished Zeiss - guess what they don't sell ? which put me off LCE, not Zeiss ! However, LCE did a 'scope day at Chew yesterday and after trying several I just think the Leica is OK for me - weight is an issue.

I will try the Zeiss in Ace Optics before finally deciding, but the Leica has it for me at present: didn't notice any difference between performance of 62 vs 77 using a zoom. Will definitely go for angled, could not get on with any straight scopes.

Didn't like the Swaros at all, don't like their barrel focus (the Nikon is fine): Optichron was a close second to Leica.

On a different tack, are people in your part of the world noticing a lack of migrants at present ? speaking to guys at Chew in recent days, everyone is bemoaning the lack of regular migrants thus far (though we have got a little egret and a spotted crake, both fairly unusual in our part of the world). Did they all pack their bags early because of the poor summer, or are they hanging on for an Indian summer (which, tg, we seem to be getting at present).

Finally, which Strawbs album is that on your logo, can't find it on any website. I used to be a huge fan, saw them at the Royal Festering Hall around '73, as well as various other venues in the SE. I always tell the youth of today that John Ford was the world's best bass player. Happy days.
Ah lovely to hear from a like minded soul. Happy days, indeed, happy, happy days. And, if only on reflection, so very innocent seeming. I doubt that was the case, of course, but things always look simpler when viewed from a distance. The past is a foreign country, eh? We can't go there any more.

The Strawbs cover is from a compilation album that I didn't know about except when I came across it by accident searching "Google" for their song lyrics. I usually avoid compilations but the kingfisher image seemed appropriate. I was deeply influenced by certain lyrics in those days, too many to repeat here, but the Strawbs, "It seemed I looked without seeing; I failed to observe what I saw and all of Nature's beautiful gifts I blissfully chose to ignore..." sticks so solidly in my mind (not that I have ever been guitly of such a crime). That was typed from memory, so might not be quite right. And what about, "Pinprick holes in a colourless sky let insipid figures of light pass by: the mighty light of ten thousand suns challenges infinity but is soon gone..." from the Moody Blues. Sentimental stuff to some, I know, but it spoke to me when I was a teenager in those heady days and even now acts as a kind of "spot of time" that lights up the occasionally darker corners of a less young man's life.

Migrants? Hmm - I think you're right, but they do seem to give Leicestershire a miss most years, I reckon. I'm just off now for a walk and hope to turn something up - but I won't. It's such a glorious day though.
["It seemed I looked without seeing; I failed to observe what I saw and all of Nature's beautiful gifts I blissfully chose to ignore..." sticks so solidly in my mind (not that I have ever been guitly of such a crime). ]

I think it's actually 'failed to grasp what I saw, for all of' etc, is on 'Grave New World' from memory.

Every evening on my way home from work I drive up over Dundry Hill and see the whole of Chew Valley laid out before me, on beautiful evenings I often think of those words: there is also a song on 'From the Wychwood' which begins something like 'The hillside was a patchwork quilt, neatly stitched with tumbling hedge' - I really should get out more !
romancitizen said:
["It seemed I looked without seeing; I failed to observe what I saw and all of Nature's beautiful gifts I blissfully chose to ignore..." sticks so solidly in my mind (not that I have ever been guitly of such a crime). ]

I think it's actually 'failed to grasp what I saw, for all of' etc, is on 'Grave New World' from memory.

Every evening on my way home from work I drive up over Dundry Hill and see the whole of Chew Valley laid out before me, on beautiful evenings I often think of those words: there is also a song on 'From the Wychwood' which begins something like 'The hillside was a patchwork quilt, neatly stitched with tumbling hedge' - I really should get out more !
I think you're right (about the words)! Ah me ah my, as another song begins. Happy times.
romancitizen said:
Many thanks for all your advice on my various posts: the spotty 'erbert in London Camera Exchange shop in Bath rubbished Zeiss - guess what they don't sell ? which put me off LCE, not Zeiss ! However, LCE did a 'scope day at Chew yesterday and after trying several I just think the Leica is OK for me - weight is an issue.

Excuse me have we deviated from thee post here ? ;) ;)

As for a tripod if weight is an issue what about the Manfrotto 443 with the 701rc2 head tripod weighs just 1.57kg compared to 1.9 for the 190 and 2.8 for the 055 :h?:
romancitizen said:
I have 99% decided to purchase a Lieica 62 APO: do others who have bought one have any recommendations as to a tripod ? a friend has suggested the Slik D3, but any advice would be welcome.

Whilst not clumsy, the fewer knobs I have to fiddle with, the better !

I use a Manfrotto Carbon One 441 tripod and a Manfrotto 3130 head. The 3130 head seems a little heavy but it works well with my angled Leica 77 APO. There is a little more vibration than with my aluminum tripod but the trade off in weight is worth it. I shortened the stick that came with the 3130 head to 9 inches. This is the stick used to move the head and scope. The shorter stick works well and doesn't get in the way as much.

If you haven't purchased the spotting scope, I find I almost never use less than 30x when looking through my spotting scope. Most to the time I use between 40x and 60x. I mention this because the zoom eyepiece for the smaller aperture (and shorter focal length) scope will only go up to 48x with the Leica zoom eyepiece. But, that may be plenty of magnification depending on your needs.

Good luck,
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[If you haven't purchased the spotting scope, I find I almost never use less than 30x when looking through my spotting scope. Most to the time I use between 40x and 60x. I mention this because the zoom eyepiece for the smaller aperture (and shorter focal length) scope will only go up to 48x with the Leica zoom eyepiece. But, that may be plenty of magnification depending on your needs.
Good luck,

Purchased an APO 62 on Saturday at Ace Optics, together with Manf190 +128RC head - it seems a bit more robust than the 700.

The optics on this 'scope are awesome, I took it up to Sham Castle (a folly overlooking Bath) yesterday: I could read a builder's sign on scaffolding in the Royal Crescent, it must be at least 3 quarters of a mile away. Incredible.

Mind you, will have to be careful with the 'scope up there, as the University halls of residence are right next to it, someone might get the wrong idea.....
tripod for apo televid 77?

can any one recommend a sturdy, lightweight tripod for my new apo televid 77?. i got a good deal on the scope but rushed into buying the tripod! has any one got good knowledge of what i should be looking at! cheers.
If you want to go light weight try the manfrotto carbon fibre range i use the 443 with the 701 rc2 head the whole thing weighs around 2.3 kg while the 055 +128 is 3.8 kg and the 190 +128 3.2 kg.While the heavier tripods are more stable in high winds i've used my setup regularly on the North Norfolk Coast without any problems
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