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Very sad today was unable to help (1 Viewer)


New member
United States
Writing from Encino California (LA area),. I have had a daily visitor, I a scrubjay, for about two years. he would come to my window and sit, waiting for me to bring him an unshelled peanut. I'd get one, take it out to the patio, when I came out he'd fly up to a tree, I'd sit down and wait for him to come back. Within a minute he'd fly back down, nervously he would approach, and eventually take the nut from my hand and fly away. Two days ago, late afternoon he came down, no nervousness, no skittishness, waited for me to come out ...He flew directly to me, sat in the table next to the chair; I saw his beak was in the wide open position. He could not close it. I got a dropper and squirted water into his throat, thinking something might be stuck there. I got bread and tried to put into his mouth ... he let me do all of this. he wiggled his tongue but could not close his beak. I think he was asking me for help. He stayed with me a full 25 minutes, I tried various things, checked the internet, took a few pictures, but could not help him. I doub't I'll ever see him again as with his beak open he could not drink or eat. Can anyone come up with ideas on what had happened. My only thought was that he crashed into something and injured himself in a way that rendered his lower beak useless. Feeling very badly that I could not help him.
Hi rbamaa, what a sad tale.

Unfortunately, I think it would need to have been taken to a vet for a proper diagnosis. There could be a number of possibilities, which only a professional examination would get to the bottom of.

We have some general guidelines here for the care of injured and baby birds. Most vets will examine a wild animal and provide immediate emergency treatment and advice for free. If longer term care is required it would be necessary to take it to a wildlife rehabber.

May I welcome you to Birdforum on behalf of all the Moderators and Admin. I'm sure you will enjoy it here.
Hi and welcome to the forum. I’m sorry you were unable to help your feathered friend in the moment. I can’t think of what it might be.

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