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Verio? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I am trying to ID this bird.Picture was taken at Holiday Beach in Ontario
a few weekends back. I was guessing red eyed Verio, but does not seem to fit

Thank you.


  • DSC_0155.JPG
    112.5 KB · Views: 166
To me - I think quality67 is correct with the Philadelphia. That is a tough one though - To my eye comparing it to my guide this Vireo has darker markings that match up well with the Philadelphia . Really not sure though.:h?:
Hi All,

Here are a couple of links to vireos. The one caveat is that a Warbling Vireo in the fall will be yellower below than the example given. Concentrate on the coloration around the head, the strength of the eye line, bill shape and color, whether the sides of the neck are gray or greenish, etc. One rule of thumb with Philadelphia Vireo in the fall is that the brightest yellow is in the central lower throat-upperbreast area. Is that the case with this bird?

Philadelphia Vireo:
http://www.featheredfotos.com/spppages/songbirds/philadelphia vireo.html
Warbling Vireo:
http://www.featheredfotos.com/spppages/songbirds/warbling vireo.html

Chris Benesh said:
Hi All,

Here are a couple of links to vireos. The one caveat is that a Warbling Vireo in the fall will be yellower below than the example given. Concentrate on the coloration around the head, the strength of the eye line, bill shape and color, whether the sides of the neck are gray or greenish, etc. One rule of thumb with Philadelphia Vireo in the fall is that the brightest yellow is in the central lower throat-upperbreast area. Is that the case with this bird?

Philadelphia Vireo:
Warbling Vireo:

Hey Chris ,

Using your great reference photos againt the mystery Vireo I like the Philadelphia with regards to head features and I like the Warbling with regards to breast coloration .....:h?: - one thing I did notice on your refernce photos is the the eye stripe one the warbling seems to cover the whole eye (well almost) were as on the philadelphia, the eye seems to pop over the eye stripe a little . Does this make a differance ? If it does - I think the warbling look more along these lines. Hmmm...
Chris Benesh said:
One rule of thumb with Philadelphia Vireo in the fall is that the brightest yellow is in the central lower throat-upperbreast area. Is that the case with this bird?


apart from the buffy tones on the sides of the breast the subject bird looks a perfect match for warbling vireo,

but i only know that cos of chris' links!!

thanks for the free lesson!

p.s i'll look stupid if i've got the wrong end of the stick ;)
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