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TSN-3: platform and Stay On Case question (1 Viewer)


I've just ordered a Kowa TSN-3 from Ace and was wondering if anyone new where I could get a stay on case for this scope? Also, would anyone with experience with this scope be so kind as to recommend a platform (up to £150).

Hi Cirl

On www.pyser-sgi.com you can see the full range of stay on cases for your Kowa. They may be a bit pricey but I do not think you will find a case for an old TSN anywhere else now.

By platform, do you mean tripod? Go into any shop that does optics, eg Infocus, Jessups Wilkinsons or any other near you and see what suits you for sturdiness, weight, handling of the head and cost. Some of he big Manfrottos are amongst the best but also quite heavy.

Thanks for the replies and advice. I couldn't see a TSN-1/3 skua on the link given but I've emailed them to try and get more info. I'll keep an eye on ebay, and I've found a somewhere in the states that does a case for the TSN-3 but I don't think it's stay on. As for the tripod, I'll take the advice and try some out before purchasing.
Where to buy Kowa TSN-3

Cirl said:
I've just ordered a Kowa TSN-3 from Ace and was wondering if anyone new where I could get a stay on case for this scope? Also, would anyone with experience with this scope be so kind as to recommend a platform (up to £150).


Hi everyone,

i'm looking for this scope. I've been loking on ebay - didn't find it...
Any ideas where to buy this?
PS: What's this "Ace" ?? :h?:
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