I decided to return the Explorer Wa Ed R I mentioned earlier, but it had it's good points
and may have just been that unit. So for those considering it I would still say give it a try.
I DID, however find one of the last (?) Verano 8x32's and just want to say it is a pleasant
step up, imo. Others more experienced than I have given good reviews, but I just want
to say that I really enjoy the very detailed clear view, with just a thin bit of CA only near
the edge. It is a joy to handle and fits me well.
A shout out to Chip, the U.S. rep, who was helpful answering questions I had!
I plan to spend many enjoyable hours with my Verano!
and may have just been that unit. So for those considering it I would still say give it a try.
I DID, however find one of the last (?) Verano 8x32's and just want to say it is a pleasant
step up, imo. Others more experienced than I have given good reviews, but I just want
to say that I really enjoy the very detailed clear view, with just a thin bit of CA only near
the edge. It is a joy to handle and fits me well.
A shout out to Chip, the U.S. rep, who was helpful answering questions I had!
I plan to spend many enjoyable hours with my Verano!
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