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Searching for Steve Whitehouse (1 Viewer)

jeff chemnick

New member
United States
I recently returned from a 3 week birding trip with friends to Papua New Guinea. It was the first time I have returned to PNG since 1989.
Currently, there is much information available...and competent guides. But back in 1989, I was guided solely by a wonderful birding report that I purchased from Steve Whitehouse (snail mailed from the UK to California). That report vanished when my house burned to the ground in 2008 here in Santa Barbara, California. I would dearly love to replace it now and compare the notes of our recent trip with the Whitehouse report I took with me to PNG in 1989. I have tried searching for Steve Whitehouse and the best I can do is your site. Please can someone send me his current contact information (I pray that he's still around)...or how I might get a copy of that birding report (I am guessing that he published it in 1985 or thereabouts. Thanks so much in advance for any help you can provide!

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