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scope advice (2 Viewers)


Through my binoculars they all looked like redshanks to me yet everyone else in the hide, with their scopes were going on about spotted redshanks being amongst them. A typical scenario but one to break the camel's back. I'm fed up not seeing the truer picture and must get myself a scope.

I spoke to a chap at Martin Mere once and he just blew me away with technicalities. I hate all the blurb.

Basically, I want something light to carry but which will primarily be used in a hide. Personally, the greater the magnification the better I'd have thought but this is apparently not such a good idea due to it accentuating tremble. What's a general compromise here? Are they all, rather like cars, much of a muchness and generally all pretty good? As for budget, I'm prepared to spend up to a grand ... or is it that way over (or under) the odds.

Any advice welcome.
"Accentuating Tremble" what a wonderful phrase.

With that sort of budget, I would check ot the Swarovski 65mm, and the new 62mm Leica, both are compact light and are optically top notch.


Reading the thread that dylan put you onto I would have thought that it looked an excellent purchase. Andy Bright has recommended it himself. Maybe sending a PM to Andy asking his advice on this sale might help.

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For £1000 you should get a top end scope, try going for any of the 80mm scopes out there they let in a lot of light, the only drawback being they tend to be a bit heavy, as for magnification, I use 30X which is usually more than enough, but a compramise would be a 20-60X zoom. As you go up in magnification you loose light so the colours are hearder to tell, which is why most people stick around the marks I have mentioned.

Your best bet is to go into one of the better shops and try as many as you can till you find one you are comfortable with.

Good luck.
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