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Sandpiper - Cape Cod Massachusetts USA (1 Viewer)

1. Rightmost bird may well be western sandpiper: looks rather bigger than the (closer) side-on least sandpiper; bill a bit longer and downturned over a greater length; wings and lower scapulars grey; lower scapulars with appropriate markings.
1. Rightmost bird may well be western sandpiper: looks rather bigger than the (closer) side-on least sandpiper; bill a bit longer and downturned over a greater length; wings and lower scapulars grey; lower scapulars with appropriate markings.
You're probably right, the legs aren't yellow either
Not seeing difference from the other birds, and seeing yellowish legs (but viewing on a phone)
Are you looking at the far right bird in pic 1? The legs look dark to me. Leg color on Least is variable, so I don't think it's possible to rule Least out. I don't really see a difference between the three as far as plumage, except that the far right bird has a duller supercilium. I would like to know if the bird on the right in pic 1 is the same as the bird on the left in pic 2. It appears that way to me. After digging out Kaufman's Advanced Birding, I think all are Least Sandpiper.
If the bird on the right in the first picture was a Western Sandpiper, it would not be so rufous overall, just the upper scapulars. I think it is another juvenile Least Sandpiper with a bill on the long end of the range.
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