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Ptarmigan (1 Viewer)

Better to go where there are plenty, because they can be difficult to spot. You need a mountain range that tops 800m plus. I suggest a quick belt up the A9.

Have photographed a Ptarmigan on the route between Cairngorm and Ben Macduib. They are ridiculosly tame and one came so close that it was difficult to close focus with a 400mm.

I had gone with the hope of a sighting; had seen nothing and was sitting on a boulder eating my lunch. A male Ptarmigan walked from behind a rock no more that 15 metres away as if to say "Hello! are you looking for me?" The photos are 30 years old so pre digital and too complicated to publish with this reply.
You shall have to travel a bit of a distance from Fife,Im afraid Marcus but if you head to Glenshee Ski Centre,you shall be in the right area.This is on the Perth - Braemar road and depending on luck,they can be seen from the Car Park.
Just wandered where the nearest spot to Fife would be for Ptramigan.

Nearest and easiest are probably two different things! The nearest ones are probably somewhere like Ben Vorlich near Callander, but I agree with Ben that the easiest place is likely to be Glenshee centre. Although supposedly they can sometimes be scoped from the carpark, I can't imagine that is a very satisfactory experience. A walk along the ridge from Cairnwell to Carn Aosda should give you a reasonable chance of a closer view, particularly near the top of both hills.


Depending on your hillwalking experience, your chances might be increased by going further from the road towards Carn a'Gheoidh to the west or Glas Maol to the east of the road.
Glenshee Ptarmigans

You shall have to travel a bit of a distance from Fife,Im afraid Marcus but if you head to Glenshee Ski Centre,you shall be in the right area.This is on the Perth - Braemar road and depending on luck,they can be seen from the Car Park.

Reminds me that I ticked ptarmigan somewhere close to Glenshee Ski Centre some years ago.


Living in Norfolk I cannot get to Scotland as often as I would wish.
My Norfolk bird of the autumn 2000 roosted in a field at Cley, north Norfolk. Farmer collecting hay did not know what it was. Local birder ID'd it.
A corncrake no less!
I still grip off Norfolk birders to this day err crex crex...
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