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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Product Review: GPO Passion ED 8 x 42. (2 Viewers)

Yes lol

I work for GPO, Zeiss, Nikon, Leica, Eschenbach Optik, Svbony, Opticron, Barr & Stroud, Vanguard, Celestron,, Kowa, Olympus, Praktica, Vortex, Canon, Swift, Helios, Pentax, Viking..... and Madonna.

Kind Regards,


Cracking reply Neil! Answered with undeserved grace and humour.
Tehri, Richard & Pat,

Many thanks for the feedback! Just joking around, but I must add that I also work for Swarovski:giggle:

Yes indeed, it's a very nice piece of kit. Thoroughly enjoyed test driving it!

Best wishes,

I ordered a Passion ED 8x42 and received it today. Excellent optics. High quality mechanics and perfect focuser without play.
BUT: the eye relief is not fully sufficient for the open view I want with eyeglasses on, with the 65deg AFOV.
So I choose to make use of the right of withdrawal.
I feel really sorry because I consider Passion ED as Zeiss Conquest HD level for half the price. I truly believe it is.
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I ordered a Passion ED 8x42 and received it today. Excellent optics. High quality mechanics and perfect focuser without play.
BUT: the eye relief is not fully sufficient for the open view I want with eyeglasses on.
So I choose to make use of the right of withdrawal.
I feel really sorry because I consider Passion ED as Zeiss Conquest HD level for half the price. I truly believe it is.
What a shame, they are lovely bino's and in an amazing coincidence, I will be returning the Leica Ultravid 8x20's I received today which have a defect on the rubber armour seam and awful eye relief (for me).
I find the 8x56 with AK prisms very good, with ample ER. Obviously the additional size and weight might be an issue for some, depending on their use case.
Kväll alla,

Vänligen hitta en länk till min senaste recension av GPO Passion ED 8 x 42 för din genomgång:

Jag hoppas att du tycker det är intressant!

Tack så mycket,


View attachment 1477222
Hej Neil,
Hur vet du om en GPO Passion ED 8x32 som säljs är mycket ny för att ha Passiondrop-beläggningen eller inte?

Finns det ett serienummer eller liknande som går att läsa och dra rätt slutsats?

vänliga hälsningar
Hej Neil,
Hur vet du om en GPO Passion ED 8x32 som säljs är mycket ny för att ha Passiondrop-beläggningen eller inte?

Finns det ett serienummer eller liknande som går att läsa och dra rätt slutsats?

vänliga hälsningar
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Agreed - these are great. Sorry to hear they don’t work for you.
I ordered a Passion ED 8x42 and received it today. Excellent optics. High quality mechanics and perfect focuser without play.
BUT: the eye relief is not fully sufficient for the open view I want with eyeglasses on, with the 65deg AFOV.
So I choose to make use of the right of withdrawal.
I feel really sorry because I consider Passion ED as Zeiss Conquest HD level for half the price. I truly believe it is
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