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Philippine Eagle Owl (1 Viewer)


David and Sarah
I've seen a few trip reports that mention Phil Eagle Owl at Manila MWSS or Riza Park during last couple of years, we have a few free days in Manila next month after our Birding trip, (Luzon, Bohol, Cebu and Palawan) assuming we don't see Eagle Owl elsewhere does anyone know if the birds are back in one of these locations and if so still easily found.

Birds are at Petroglyphs site

I've seen a few trip reports that mention Phil Eagle Owl at Manila MWSS or Riza Park during last couple of years, we have a few free days in Manila next month after our Birding trip, (Luzon, Bohol, Cebu and Palawan) assuming we don't see Eagle Owl elsewhere does anyone know if the birds are back in one of these locations and if so still easily found.


Birds are at Petroglyph site in Thunderbird resort near East Grange Golf Course, they are on cliff face / trees above the viewing area. You need to pay 20 Pesos to get past museum to viewing platform. The staff will probably point you in the right direct.
More information on my Philippine trip report.
They are doing some refurbishment of the site next month (march) so you may want to go with someone from WBCP who are negotiating continued entry while work goes on.
I went to the Phils to look for owls last winter. I saw an eagle owl at Subic-a little south of the mangrove trail, next to a water treatment plant that is on the left side of the coast road as you drive south. The owl was about 1/4 down the small road that runs parralel to the water treatment plant.

As far as I know the Manila owls were not being seen last winter-this may have changed, so it's worth asking a Manila-based birder.

It's a fantastic bird, and well worth the effort.

Cheers, Iain
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