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ouse washes rspb Pratincole (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
hi I am passing through and Wednesday and was going to call and give it a try could anyone advise on this reserve and also I believe the Pratincole still around if anyone can give any directions thanks
Directions from pager: Black-winged Pratincole still this morning(monday) 10.15 Ouse Washes RSPB. 300 YDS North of Stevens hide. Take A142 to Chatteris, follow to Manea, then follow signs from village. Park by Vis/Ctr and walk N/ for 2.5 miles

Good luck if you go.
thanks Stephen am going to give it a go as passing on way to Norwich never been to this reserve so looking forward to taking a look thanks for help.
I was thinking of taking a detour to see this pratincole on the way to Norfolk but can anyone confirm if you are allowed to walk on that path with a dog on a lead? According to the Rspb site it says dogs under close control but on other sites it mentions only on public paths. :-/
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