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Olympus vs Bushnell (1 Viewer)


Well-known member

Which of these monoculars would you choose:

Olympus 10x42 Magellan EXWP I Waterproof Binoculars

Bushnell infinity 8.5x45 Waterproof Binoculars

Although I am interested in more specific Bushnell, is probably more accurate (according to tests) Olympus...

Well, you would have to see it. The Olympus may be cheap because they no longer make binoculars. Or they may make a few models like the reverse porro because they have no plant to make binoculars, just brand them.

Good luck. Bushnells will be around for a while.
I may be a little confused about Minolta and Olympus. I think Minolta for sure is out of Binocculars.

Anyone know?
Neither are making bins anymore. If you find either it's NOS.

Warranty of course is an interesting issue.


I am wondering about the Olympus being discontinued, they still show them
on their own site, and some of the large internet sellers show the full lineup.

The Tracker 8x25 is the one that seems to have a nice place in the reverse
porro compact size.

Just wanted you to confirm ?

Looking at UK sellers a source that seems to sell their more expensive models with the US branding is about half the price of those selling with the local Olympus branding. While Minolta glasses vanished at the time of the Sony takeover, there is no evidence of a shortage in supply of Olympus binoculars over here yet. Olympus do concentrate the selling of some products into limited global regions so I suppose that it is possible that if they did stop manufacture they might concentrate remaining stocks where they sell best?

Olympus are offering a 25 year European warranty at this time.
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Olympus binoculars appear to still be in production. At least the Olympus web page hasa page showing a full line of medium to low priced glasses. Also Adorama and B&H are still selling new Olympus binoculars.
Olympus makes bins. I tried them. Outside Cameraland one day there was a demo booth of the upcoming line out on Lexington Ave. So after a half hour or so of trying several pieces of world class glass I took a look through some 8x42's. I was stunned. They were amazing. Blow away a Nikon Monarch with ease. Maybe they had perfectly calibrated ringers, dont know. But do not scoff at the Olympus bins. From what I saw they are the best dollar value around. (Outside China perhaps)
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