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noob here....... (1 Viewer)


New member
just happen to be looking out the kitchen window this am. have a suet feeder hanging and also a feeder full of "black oiler's". here is a northern flicker checking them out. ummm, isn't this a bit unusual to see one this time of year? guess it seems like they one of the last birds to make it to ne/sd in the spring.

thanks in advance
Hi there and a warm welcome to you from those of us on staff here at BirdForum :t:

We're glad you found us and thanks for taking a moment to say hello ;)

Not sure about your area. I only get to enjoy them during the Winter season.
thank you so much for the welcome, KCFoggin!

i just don't ever remember seeing a northern flicker during the wintertime in sd. especially when we have around 50" snow (total)---for now---almost a sure bet we will be adding on to that total, too.

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