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No house martins this year? (1 Viewer)


I normally get house martins nesting under the eaves of my house every year - usually at least 6 occupied nests - and they're always here before the end of April.

This year, I haven't seen a single one, though there are several pairs of swallows in the barn. Has anyone else got nesting house martins in the area? I'm on the Berkshire/Hampshire border.
Spoke too soon!

At 5pm today I saw about 15-20 house martins wheeling above the house. They haven't shown any interest in the nests yet, but at least they're here!

Three weeks later than normal - I guess there was some adverse weather on the way north.
Oh that will be such a relief for you. Let's hope they do nest with you and have a successful season.

They seem to be in real trouble, don't they.
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