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Nikon P950 vs Nikon P1000 (1 Viewer)

Nick Leech

Well-known member
United Kingdom
Does anybody have experience of using the P950 and the P1000?

I used to have a P900 and moved to a P1000 which I prefer, although the P1000 is somewhat large and heavy. Since then the P950 has been released. I have been wondering whether to sell the P1000 and move to a P950. I am aware of the differences in spec, but how do the cameras compare for image quality and Optical Stabilisation etc.

Some specific questions:

How does IQ of the P950 comapre with the P1000 with both at 2000mm (equiv)?

And what about using the P1000 at 3000mm and cropping a 2000mm image from the P950 to equivalent field of view?

People who have owned both cameras (or tried both) - which did they prefer?

Do people think the extra zoom power of the P1000 is worth the extra weight?

Does anybody have experience of using the P950 and the P1000?

I used to have a P900 and moved to a P1000 which I prefer, although the P1000 is somewhat large and heavy. Since then the P950 has been released. I have been wondering whether to sell the P1000 and move to a P950. I am aware of the differences in spec, but how do the cameras compare for image quality and Optical Stabilisation etc.

Some specific questions:

How does IQ of the P950 comapre with the P1000 with both at 2000mm (equiv)?

And what about using the P1000 at 3000mm and cropping a 2000mm image from the P950 to equivalent field of view?

People who have owned both cameras (or tried both) - which did they prefer?

Do people think the extra zoom power of the P1000 is worth the extra weight?


Nick, I'd give you an opinion on the P950, camera settings and so on but it seems you're specifically asking for opinions from people who have used both the 950 and 1000. 'Let me know if you're interested in an opinion from someone who has the 950 but has never used the 1000.
Nick, I'd give you an opinion on the P950, camera settings and so on but it seems you're specifically asking for opinions from people who have used both the 950 and 1000. 'Let me know if you're interested in an opinion from someone who has the 950 but has never used the 1000.
I sold the P900 to get the P1000 in 2018 and bought the P900 in 2020. I use them for bird photography. While I have never made comparison shots, I see no noticeable difference in the photos other than the extra zoom. I generally hike with the P1000, using a simple harness to make the weight comfortable. I also hike with a light-weight monopod to stabilize high-zoom shots. I tend to use the P950 for casual shots while walking around town or with the dog. I strongly recommend shooting in raw/NRW). NX Studio produces (without editing) a substantially improved TIFF for editing (I use PhotoShop Elements simple Adobe Camera Raw).
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