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nighttime bird call - ID request - location northern netherlands (1 Viewer)


does anyone know what kind of bird made this sound?

here's the video

i'm thrilled that after years of hearing this elusive bird, i finally got a recording of it so i can ask for an ID. i say "elusive" because i only sometimes hear it. and when i do hear it, it's not for very long.

i apologize for the poor quality, i only had my ipad with me in my bedroom at 1am. the bird is also not very close (maybe a couple blocks away) so it doesn't sound very loud in the video. if you can't hear anything, please turn your device volume up as loud as it will go. i even tried to identify it using the merlin bird ID app but got no results. but i think it's not loud enough for the app.

this is actually a combination of 4 videos i took, because there's long moments of silence after each "caw". when it makes its call, it's just once or twice with long silences between. it's usually in the wee hours of the morning that i hear it when i'm laying in bed, so usually when i try to record it, it's already stopped by the time i can think about getting my camera set up.

when i first started hearing it, the first thing i thought of was it's a peacock. but i'm not sure.

1. the location is northern netherlands.
2. i've only heard the bird in the late night or early morning hours (usually between 1am and 5am) so i've never seen it.
3. i only sometimes hear the bird.
4. i always hear the sound coming from the same direction, and sounds like it's always about the same distance away. so i don't know if it's a wild bird or possibly someone's pet.
Very faint, but I thought the same as Tom.
Interesting how most (native-English-speaking) birders (who might know what it is and would know how it's normally described and transcribed) would likely refer to it as a hoot or as something like 'ooo' - but someone approaching it afresh and without any such baggage describes it as 'caw' - which I can see the sense in but nevertheless will make many birders think of completely different calls. Illustrates neatly how useless and misleading (no offence) descriptions of calls can sometimes be.
The guys above have already made a call on this (no pun intended), but you all know that I can't resist an audio edit - so here it is with increased audio and the background hiss taken down a touch.

Hope that's okay ndonri.


  • 12 September 2023.mp3
    353.2 KB
Very faint, but I thought the same as Tom.
Interesting how most (native-English-speaking) birders (who might know what it is and would know how it's normally described and transcribed) would likely refer to it as a hoot or as something like 'ooo' - but someone approaching it afresh and without any such baggage describes it as 'caw' - which I can see the sense in but nevertheless will make many birders think of completely different calls. Illustrates neatly how useless and misleading (no offence) descriptions of calls can sometimes be.
hi butty. thanks. interesting observation. no offense taken. i wasn't intending my comment as a description. i just wasn't sure what to call it. "song" didn't seem appropriate, and it didn't sound like a "hoot" to me. i've never referred to a sound a bird makes as an "ooo", and that's not what it sounded like to me. "caw" just seemed most appropriate. i never would have guessed that it was an owl. of course in real life it was probably 2 or 3 times as loud as it was in the video too, which might make a difference to what someone refers to it as. so what would be more appropriate to call it if you don't know what it is? just "call"?
The guys above have already made a call on this (no pun intended), but you all know that I can't resist an audio edit - so here it is with increased audio and the background hiss taken down a touch.

Hope that's okay ndonri.
thanks richie! that's awesome! can you send that to me?
it was also raining at the time which probably didn't help the sound quality.
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