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I've been getting in some hours with the STC and am about to get a monopod. What monopod are you using and what additional elements for the STC? Thanks.
Wanted to have a very stable monopod, it's the RRS MC-34. Expensive but worth it! One of the things I should have bought much earlier in my life. The monopod is also used for my 10x42 Leica Ultravid HD. The monopod is always with me.
The STC is attached to the monopod with a quick release plate. No tilt-shift or video head, saves weight, length and moving the stick is much faster, you're standing anyway.
Following raptors goes well, that's the advantage of using a straight scope on a monopod, you can move freely, even turn around fast when needed.
With the monopod the STC is good until the 25 magnification. To get higher you need to stabilize the monopod or use a tripod. Sometimes I push it into the mud to get extra magnification. Often I work with a clamp and use something, for instance a fence, pole or bench. Then the STC can go up to 40, no problem.
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