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N Greece. Birds at sea (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
December- I would like to have these birds' ids confirmed. I'll have a try:
A: Caspian Gull, (although its bill seems to me a bit small and the eye too large for a CG).
B and C: Horned Grebes?
D and E: Black-necked Grebe? It looks like it caught its mouth with a fishing lure of sorts, but in pic E the line rather looks like a thorny branch. Any thoughts?

Thank you!


  • A.jpg
    661.9 KB · Views: 83
  • B.jpg
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  • C.jpg
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  • D.jpg
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  • E.jpg
    452.5 KB · Views: 76
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Adult Yellow-legged Gull, and all the grebes are Black-necked.
Thanks Steve. I just found A a bit too dark for a YLG.

And regarding B I thought I recognized some Horned Grebe features: clear contrast black-white in its face, back of head pointed upwards, flat forehead, a bit of an elongated body shape...

This bird identifying game is hard indeed! :giggle:
Yes, not always as straightforward as it could be. But then it would not be so challenging and enjoyable.
Generally adult Yellow-legged Gull is a darker grey than Caspian Gull. And the small grebes can look odd depending how they are holding their heads.

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