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Myrmotherula menetriesii (d'Orbigny, 1837) (1 Viewer)


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Myrmotherula menetriesii (d'Orbigny, 1837) OD here
Buteo buteo menetriesi Bogdanov, 1879 OD Trudy Obshchestva Estest voispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete , VIII , 1879 , p . 45 (not seen)

The Eponym Dictionary of Birds claims:
Ménétriés's Wheateater Oenanthe isabellina Temminck, 1829 [Alt. Isabelline Wheatear]
Ménétriés's Warbler Sylvia mystacea Ménétriés, 1832
Ménétriés's Antwren Myrmotherula menetriesii d'Orbigny, 1837 [Alt. Grey Antwren]
Common Buzzardssp. Buteo buteo menetriesi Bogdanov, 1879
Edouard P. Ménétriés (1801–1861) was a French zoologist who collected in Brazil and Russia, where he settled. He studied inParis under Cuvier (q.v.), among others, on whose recommendation he participated in an expedition in Brazil under Langsdorff (q.v.) (1821–1825). He was invited to become Conservator Collections of the Russian Academy of of of of Sciences in St Petersburg (1826). He explored and collected in the the Caucasus (1829–1830) and wrote Catalogue raisonée des objets de zoologie recueillis dans un voyage au Caucase et jusqu'aux frontières actuelles de la Perse (1832). When the Zoological Museum of the the Caucasus (1829–1830) and wrote Catalogue raisonée des objets de zoologie recueillis dans un voyage au Caucase et jusqu'aux frontières actuelles de la Perse (1832). When the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences was officially opened (1832) Ménétries designated Curator of entomological collections, a position he held for life. He studied the fauna of Siberia and also wrote one of the first works on the fauna of Kazakhstan, as well as many scientific papers. A reptile is named after him.

The Key to Scientific Names
Édouard Ménétriés (1802-1861) French zoologist, collector in Brazil 1822-1824 and Russia 1829-1830 (subsp. Buteo buteo, Myrmotherula).

If born 1801 as mentioned here or on 2. October 1802 in Paris as mentioned in Wikipedia and if he had a middle name with P. may to discuss. As we can find Эдуард Петрович Менетрие His middle name may Pierre?
I believe
Jean Edouard Menetries
Died: 10 Apr 1861 based on grave in St Petersburg.


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Buteo buteo menetriesi Bogdanov, 1879 OD Trudy Obshchestva Estest voispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete , VIII , 1879 , p . 45 (not seen)
Богданов М [Bogdanov M]. 1879. Птици кавказа. [Birds of the Caucasus.] Труды Общества естествоиспытателей при Императорском Казанском университете, 8 (4): 1-188.

Russian text here -
Признавъ въ кавказскомъ сарычѣ особый, неописанный еще видъ, я называю его въ честь покойнаго д-ра Мeнетріе, который сдѣлалъ больше всѣхъ для орнитологія кавказа.
German translation (H Schalow, J. Ornithol., 1880) here -
Da ich den kaukasischen Bussard für eine neue, noch unbeschriebene Species halte, so verleihe ich ihm den Namen B. Menetriesi, zu Ehren des verstorbenen Dr. Ménétriés, der das Meiste zur Kenntniss der Ornithologie des Kaukasus beigetragen hat.
As we can find Эдуард Петрович Менетрие His middle name may Pierre?
This only indicates that his father was named Pierre.
Of course, sons sometimes receive their father's first name as their middle name, but beyond this, I wouldn't regard Эдуард Петрович Менетрие as indicative of a middle name that might have been given at birth to Édouard Ménétriés.
It seems extremely likely, however, that the "P." in Eponym was taken from his Russified name ("Eduard P[etrovich] Ménétrié"), rather than from his original French name.
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Jean Edouard Menetries
Died: 10 Apr 1861 based on grave in St Petersburg.
Jean Edouard Ménétriés
(Many sources, incl. Wikipedia, keep using the corrupted version "Ménétries", with a very different pronunciation.)

"Helene Ménétriés | geb. v. Oschmann | gest. den 10 October 1854" would presumably have been his wife ?
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In East Slavic naming conventions, a name is made of
  • a single given name (in Russian: имя / imya),
  • a patronymic (отчество / otchestvo), formed from the imya of your father, plus a suffix meaning "son of" (-ович / -ovich, or евич / -evich), or "daughter of" (-овна / -ovna, or евна / -evna), and
  • a family name (фамилия / familiya).
A Western name, with one or more given name(s) and no patronymic, can in principle either be transcribed as such or using equivalent Russian given names, or be fully Russified as to create a name that follows East Slavic conventions. In the latter case, only one given name will be retained to become your imya; any additional given name(s) that might be present will be dropped; and a patronymic formed from your father's imya will be added after your own imya.

"Эдуард Пётр Менетрие" could conceivably be used for a hypothetical "Édouard Pierre Ménétriés". But in "Эдуард Петрович Менетрие", the second component of the name is clearly a slavic patronymic, not a given name: the meaning is "Edouard, son of Pierre, Ménétriés", which makes "Pierre" his father's name. Not his.
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