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Moving in Fair Isle (1 Viewer)

il gipeto

Well-known member
Hi,I'll go to Fair Isle this October and I don't know if I'll need a vehicle in the island. I have a very little exepercience in birdwatching and I don't know the place. Usually how birders are in communication in this isle? If I see something interesting how can I contact other birders? Thank you. Any other advise is appreciate!
Hi,I'll go to Fair Isle this October and I don't know if I'll need a vehicle in the island. I have a very little exepercience in birdwatching and I don't know the place. Usually how birders are in communication in this isle? If I see something interesting how can I contact other birders? Thank you. Any other advise is appreciate!

Hi there - you can't hire a car on Fair Isle and its not needed anyway. When I went (have been twice) I had the bird observatory's phone number in my mobile and if I saw anything good I would phone the observatory up. If a mega (rare bird) turns up Derek (the warden) drives round the island with a red flag flying from the van!

Generally if any of the observatory staff pass you in the van they will give you a lift back to the observatory anyway.

Are you staying at the observatory and are you going by boat (The Good Shepherd) or by plane to the island?

Best Wishes Penny:girl:
Thank you very much Penny!
I will stay at Auld Haa guest house from 8th to 14 th October and I will reach fair isle by plane(I booked by phone). It's a trip I've always dreamt to make and I decided to go this year because I want to join my university life. In 2 years I'll be working so I'll be difficult to go to Fair Isle in october(also because my girlfriend doesn't like birdwatching!)
I hope also to see a lot of rarities! Let's see!
Thank you very much Penny!
I will stay at Auld Haa guest house from 8th to 14 th October and I will reach fair isle by plane(I booked by phone). It's a trip I've always dreamt to make and I decided to go this year because I want to join my university life. In 2 years I'll be working so I'll be difficult to go to Fair Isle in october(also because my girlfriend doesn't like birdwatching!)
I hope also to see a lot of rarities! Let's see!

Rarities are practically guaranteed on Fair Isle if you're there longer than a couple of days at migration time, and you are going in prime time. Best of luck! I agree that no vehicle is necessary. I wandered all over the place without any real effort at all. It's an amazing place - anything can turn up anywhere, and usually does.

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I hope so! And what about weather? Is it very raining on October? Will be also very cold? Thanks

The first three weeks of October can sometimes be fine in Scotland (easterlies are common and calmer weather often occurs), BUT I would advise taking both rainproof and windproof clothing.

Tip: if going near cliff edges do not wear oilskins or other smooth-textured waterproofs. If you fall you are liable to slip right off, especially on wet grass. Wear rough clothing if you are venturing near the edges, and take great care. If visiting cliffs on your own, tell the warden where you are going, and when you are expecting to return. The cliffs on Fair Isle are very dangerous in parts.

I never got closer than about ten or fifteen feet to any edge because I'm scared of heights.

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