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Mourning Dove HELP (1 Viewer)


New member
United States
A pair of mourning doves built a nest in my hanging plant. Unfortunately, one of the birds flew into our glass window and died. The other mourning dove has remained on the nest non-stop as far as I can tell. He/She (I'm not sure) will let me get within 2 feet of the nest and won't move. Can this have any good outcome? From what I can see he/she is not leaving the nest to even eat. I cannot tell if there are eggs. He/She has been there about (2) weeks and the partner died probably 5 days ago? The one ran into the window during the afternoon so assuming that would be the female? Any advice? I feel so bad.


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Hi smbeveri and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators.

Maybe not what you want to hear I guess, but the best course of action is to leave the adult to get on with whatever transpires now. She will know by now that there is no partner to help out. Please don't keep approaching the nest, let her decide for herself when it's time to move on.

If, by any chance the eggs do hatch, you could try support feeding of the adult by leaving seeds and mealworms out, but not too close to the nest as it will attract other birds and cause more stress.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Welcome to Birdforum. It is best to leave well alone and keep away from the nest.

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