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Minox 'Blue' (or 'BLU') line? (1 Viewer)

Peter Audrain

Consummate Indoorsman
I've just stumbled across these, the Minox BLU 8x25s, in looking for 8x25s, 8x28s, or conceivably 8x32s that I can tuck away for use while walking to and from my commuter train (and while on it, I guess):


Does anyone know anything about them at all? The Minox materials on the web, even in German, are very hard to interpret about their optical qualities. Are they fully multi-coated, and the like? Has anyone ever seen through a pair, or heard of anyone who has?

And how are they meant to differ from other pocket Minoxes, like these (Minox BF 8x25)?


In short, I'm wondering whether they're likely to be a neglected gem of some sort. Or not.
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It's almost like the people at Minox have never heard of translators or copy editors. Which doesn't seem like the greatest sign, of course—but also nourishes the fantasy of the unjustly unappreciated Little Gem.

I can't figure out why one of their sets of 8x25s has barrels about an inch shorter than the others. I don't know enough about optics to know what tradeoffs are being made, there. The whole Minox scene feels enigmatic.
Just about the least expensive of all Minox binoculars at sub £50 and that will include profit margin, 'free' delivery and tax.
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