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Minox 10x42 BD BR A.L.T (1 Viewer)

As this is my first post on birdforum.net - I must say hi to all!

Have been scouting about for a while for a good pair of low/mid-price binoculars. Considered a bunch of binos spaning a fair price range: RSPB HG 8x42, Nikon Monarch 10x42, Audubon Equinox HP 10x42, Bushnell Elite 10x42 and Docter 10x42 but finally plumped for a pair of Minox 10x42 BD's from www.warehouseexpress.com. Looking forward to receiving them this week.

Reviews of this model seemed to speak very favourably - indicating they offer a good compromise between performance and price. I certainly couldn't afford to stretch to the big three, Swarovs, Leicas or Zeiss' !!

Would be interested if anyone would care to share their experiences of the Minox 10x42 BD? Hopefully not too many bad ones :)
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You wont be dissapointed .i have the 10x42 minox .slightly heavier than average ,built like a tank & great optics .they are the ones i take when i,m roughing it.Canon IS when the going is smooth.
Hi and welcome

I've had a pair of Minox BD 10x52 BR's since 26 Sept 2003(!) and have not been disappointed. A bit on the heavy side, but sturdilyl built and mine are in use many times throughout the day, whether its just looking up onto the feeders and fells around the house or traipsing out over the Cumbrian fells for the day. I tried stacks of stuff within my sub £500 budget and these felt as though they could deliver the optical quality I wanted and stand the rough handling they get - and I haven't got any grumbles (well, except for the weight at the end of the day perhaps) - they handle well, are well balanced and the design is great - no extraneous nobs, bumps, ridges etc.
You'll enjoy them!

Good watching
Thanks for the feedback - I hope I've made a good choice. Sounds like I may have. The one thing I've heard about this model are that they're quite heavy - that seemed a good thing to me, easy to keep the binos steady when there's a bit of weight on them. I'm still young so they won't fatigue me :)

Looking forward to receiving them because I can't wait to get back out in the field. I managed to break my previous pair of (cheap) Bushnells while snowboarding at New Year - despite a ton of padding in my ruc-sec. Silly decision to take them with me - but I tried a bit of Ptarmigan spotting while I was in the hills!

The bummer is warehouseExpress are out of stock and it could take up to 10 days to get them back ordered. Oh well, the waiting will make receiving them all the better.
received my binos ...

Recieved my new binos yesterday and tried them out this morning. Headed down to Baron's Haugh RSPB reserve for 7.30am to try them out. Over the moon with the build/ease of use/optical performance. Some of the birds I saw, far clearer than ever before, were:

Carrion Crow
Blue/Great/Coal/Long-tailed Tit
Thistle/Song Thrush
Lesser Redpoll
House/Hedge Sparrow
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Water Rail
Grey Heron
Tufted Duck
Whooper/Mute Swan
Lesser Black Backed/Black Headed/Herring Gull
Red-breasted Merganser

Need to get back out there tomorrow morning as this afternoon will be filled with DIY in the house!
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I agree with you RedMarauder, I bought a pair of the Minox 10x42 BD's from www.warehouseexpress.com. myself last year and over the moon with them myself. Like you say they are a bit heavy but I think this helps with the balance.
Have you tried out the short focus yet? You won't be disappointed, they seem to better than the spec indicates. Brilliant for butterflies and wildlife that you can get really close to.
Anyway glad to hear you are as pleased with them as I was.

Another vote for Minox from me too. I recently bought a BR 10x52 BD and I'm very happy with them. The view is very easy and crisp. Focussing is super-smooth. As other people have mentioned, the balance and handling is excellent. They're rapidly becoming my most used bino.
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