Hello everyone,
I photographed the attached Miner in the Patagonia National Park in southern Chile a few days ago. It was at about 1100 m, rocky slope with some grassy areas and bushes.
Miner species to be expected here should be Common Miner and Rufous-banded Miner. To me this birds shows features of both and due to lack of experience with these species, I just can‘t pin it down and would be happy to get some help on this ID.
The bird shows a quite prominent pale eyebrow and the chest has no obvious streaking (pro Rufous-banded). However, I do not see any red on the flanks or tail and the bill seems rather long and slightly decurved (pro Common).
Looking forward to your ideas.
I photographed the attached Miner in the Patagonia National Park in southern Chile a few days ago. It was at about 1100 m, rocky slope with some grassy areas and bushes.
Miner species to be expected here should be Common Miner and Rufous-banded Miner. To me this birds shows features of both and due to lack of experience with these species, I just can‘t pin it down and would be happy to get some help on this ID.
The bird shows a quite prominent pale eyebrow and the chest has no obvious streaking (pro Rufous-banded). However, I do not see any red on the flanks or tail and the bill seems rather long and slightly decurved (pro Common).
Looking forward to your ideas.