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Meopta S2 82 HD performance (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I'm considering to buy Meopta S2 82 HD probably with 30-60x WA eyepiece. I would be interested to know if the focus ring becomes smoother over time, because many have stated that it is rather stiff (at least when new)? It's also quite fast and it may be an issue for me because I can remember how difficult fast helical focus ring can be when I owned Nikon Fieldscope 82 ED and after that, I have been extremely comfortable with my current Leica Apo Televid82 focus system. I'm a birder and very often track flying birds, so easy and non-shaky focus is an essential feature to have.

I'm also curious about the performance of the 30-60x WA eyepiece; is there expected to be "kidney beaning" or blackouts like I have had (+ many others have reported) with for example Swarovski 25-50x wideangle eyepiece? Of course this issue is somewhat individual thing and must ultimately be tested personally.

If I buy that scope, it may be that I will buy also the 20-70x eyepiece, unless it's easy to get astro eyepiece adapter to the scope. I would occasionally benefit for a high power (70-100x) mags., so with the wideangle zoom, I would be happy with a fixed high power eyepiece.

I have read many threads about S2 82 scope and gathered information and I have briefly looked through the scope with 20-70x eyepiece. I would still be very grateful of any user experience with this scope. Lastly, I'm very curious about sample variation and customer service with Meopta products.

Hi Juhani. I have this scope. I love it. I´ve had others (Nikon ED82, Swaro ATS80HD, Zeiss 85 Victory Diascope...) For various hair-splitting reasons I
won´t go into (because all of these were brilliant scopes), I think the Meopta is the best, for me anyway. Customer service is brilliant...I lost lens caps, they sent me replacements for free. Otherwise I haven´t needed CS. I have the 30-60 eyepiece. There might be a little kidney-beaning at 30x, but it´s negligible, disappears with correct eye placement, and invisible at higher than 35x. I sold the stay-on case because I have an aversion to all stay-on-cases, but that´s just me.
Hi Juhani. I have this scope. I love it. I´ve had others (Nikon ED82, Swaro ATS80HD, Zeiss 85 Victory Diascope...) For various hair-splitting reasons I
won´t go into (because all of these were brilliant scopes), I think the Meopta is the best, for me anyway. Customer service is brilliant...I lost lens caps, they sent me replacements for free. Otherwise I haven´t needed CS. I have the 30-60 eyepiece. There might be a little kidney-beaning at 30x, but it´s negligible, disappears with correct eye placement, and invisible at higher than 35x. I sold the stay-on case because I have an aversion to all stay-on-cases, but that´s just me.

Hi Sancho. It's good coincidence that you also have own the Nikon Fieldscope ED82 and I would be extremely thankful if you could briefly compare the focus ring action between ED82 and Meopta S2? I too have owned ED82 as my first spotting scope (I don't have it anymore) and I had some problems with it's fast and little tight focus ring. Focusing while tracking flying bird was causing unnecessary shaking and many times made the ID more difficult. Currently I'm using Leica Apo Televid82 which has quite excellent focusing system with fast and slow focus rollers on top of the scope. If Meoptas focus ring is not too fast, I think I could find it ok.

Anyway I think focus system will ultimately be the judging point for me, what sope I end up buying. Meopta's optical properties have been very much praised many times and I think optically it would be one of the best choice for me.

Best regards,

Hi, I can´t remember any issues with any focussing ring. I thought the ED82A was a superb scope, the only reason I changed it was because the zoom was too narrow FOV. You already have a Leica APO Televid 82? I wonder why you want a different scope....don´t go down the rabbit-hole in search of "perfection", you won´t find it! (Except in the birds of course)

The S2 scope is a great performer and I have used it with both eyepieces but settled on the 20-70 since the lower magnification is more useable on days of heat shimmer. However I wouldn't blame anyone for preferring the wide angle eyepiece.

I find the focus wheel smooth and precise and easy to use and the eyepiece allows me the full field of view with no kidney beaning.


I have an S2 with 30-60 WA. All I can say is that it is there, with the very best on the market.
Very sharp all the way to 60x, nice colour rendition and bright.
Focus ring is smoother than on my ATX and that is something I personally like.
No problems with kidney beans unless I really push my eyes into the eyecup wich is something you don't do in normal use.
Bought mine s3cond hand in mint condition for very good price as a temporary substitute for my ATX wich was in for repair.
Got my ATX back but don't want to sell the Meopta anymore, it is really close to Swaro.

Just got the S2 w/20-70x. Already have the Swaro ATX 95, with which I’ve had a love/hate relationship for several years. Optically love it, hate the excessive bulk, weight and price. If I'd known about the S2 I would never of bought the Swaro. Optically ATX95 is better, but not by much. I agree with another reviewer that said the S2 is 95% of the ATX 95. At times I would say they are equal.

I have no reservations about cranking either scope up to 70x for use. The Swaro has a bit more FOV at equivalent powers and a “walk-in” view. The S2 has a bit of tunnel effect, but far from excessive. I do like the wider FOV of the S2 that is available at 20x. The S2 is quicker focusing which can be a bit troublesome at higher powers. S2 focus wheel turns about 1.75 times, the Swaro has just under 3 revolutions. The focus stiffness seemed equal between the two.

With the S2 I had no trouble at 30x following ducks this evening.

I may be selling the ATX95 not too far down the road.

thanks for all who shared their opinions on Meopta S2 but things went that I bought a fine sample (first I got poor sample but I managed to get another MUCH better sample) of Kowa Prominar 883. I'm sure Meopta is a great scope but the ultimate deciding factor for me was the Kowa's focus system which I prefer over helical focuser.

I will write more about Kowa in it's own thread near future, I star tested both samples and compared them with Leica Apo televid82 (not very good sample) and Zeiss Diascope85 (good sample).

Stay healthy.


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