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Little tern from Paris (1 Viewer)


Well-known member

seen today , in France, 40 km at east from Paris.

It was with three Common Terns (1 adult, 2 juveniles).
In Paris area, we do not have much little terns; quiet surprising. But possible. And as soon as I saw it, I saw the difference of size with the common which were a few meters closed. From the visible difference of size , I guess we can conclude to a little tern. But I had a few doubt as I did not see the yellow bill . I guess either juveniles or adult in winter plumage (google translate.... )

Confirmation is appreciated.

On the pictures with different birds, the Little tern is on the right. And it is sure 100 % it is the same bird alone.



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Ah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bad surprise , one more mistake ! :(
I had never seen juveniles of that species, quiet difficult to guess. And I did not know thet species was so small, even if I already saw some adults a few times , but alone.
Thanks to all of you who corrected me , or confirmed, with a like.


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