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Little Egret..Morecambe Bay..????? (1 Viewer)

Al Tee

Well-known member
My book says they are not supposed to get up this far north. Size was as in the book, was also brilliant white. Any suggestions as to what else it could be.
Hi Al,
While Little Egrets do not normally occur as far north as Morecambe Bay when it comes to breeding or regular wintering, they are regularly seen in small numbers north of the current breeding range: it must be remembered that, until as recently as the mid 1990s, the species bred no closer than N.France, and the range expansion is still continuing.
If you are absolutely sure that what you saw was a small heron, and not something unexpected like an albino gull (and I presume that you are confident of this already, going by your post), then it very likely was a Little Egret.
It's entirely possible that a wandering bird has dropped in, Al.

They've been seen at the likes of Martin Mere, so it isn't unlikely that Morecambe Bay would be on the cards too...
Only a short flap from Inner Marsh Farm where counts of 80 are regular.

This is a good time for wandering birds to find new territories - but with these winds check each one - our second Snowy Egret can't be far away!
Yes its highly likely. There was at least 1 maybe more lingering in the area during summer. The one I saw from Jenny Browns point (over looking the bay) was very restless. It kept flying off into the distance disapearing and then returning again. so my theory is that their was just 1 egret drugged up on speed.
Harry, Keith, Rob & Bolton Birdman... Thanks for the replies.. Looks like I've had a "result" so to speak!
Hi Al,
Little Egrets are now regularly recorded as far up the country as NE Scotland, mainly Montrose Basin, Ythan Estuary and Loch of Strathbeg. I've also seen Great White Egret and Spoonbill up here, so it just goes to show that books can get out of date quite quickly, or only speak in general terms. Enjoy them.
Yes ,a couple of weeks ago,2 Little Egrets were spotted here at Haverigg,in the bay,perhaps could be the same birds.I personally have not seen them,but they were marked up on the board in the hide,and various people did tell me that they had been seen.
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