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Jeanette (1 Viewer)


Hello I live in Kintyre on the west coast of Scotland and I am interested in all birds but my favourites are the ones that visit my garden and the herons on the shore in front of my house

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Welcome to BF, Jeanette. :t:

Good for you about your favorites being your garden visitors.

I hope you'll share a few of your experiences with us, both from your garden and your local area.

Thanks for the welcome and I will let you know about my visitors.I have a rescue greyhound and she sees it as her duty to chase off the rooks that like to eat her dinner. I have a rookery at the top of the garden.

bye for now
Hi jeanette,

From all the BirdForum Moderators and Administration, Welcome!

We are glad to have you join us in our appreciation of nature, especially wild birds.

Hi Jeanette,

" herons on the shore in front of my house "

Is this the ultimate in property oneupmanship LUCKY LUCKY YOU o:)


Hi Jeanette and welcome to BF. You are lucky to live in such a beautiful area. Must say this bit of Scotland isn't too bad though! Look forward to hearing the news from your area.

Hello Don
You can talk. We went on the Broads for a week and I would go back anytime.

On my way to Glasgow about a year ago I counted eleven Herons along the shore at Inverary. Suitable gaps between of course.. I have never seen that before.

On a still night the noise they make when seeing off rivals would waken the dead. They are so bad tempered but beautiful.

Thanks for the welcome This is a great site.

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Hello Delia
Blairgowrie is lovely no wonder you get so many tourists. I had a cousin who lived there but has now moved back to Campbeltown. I'm glad I found this site I am ashamed to say I know very little about birds so I am hoping to learn more just by being on here.

bye for now

jeanette said:
Hello Delia
Blairgowrie is lovely no wonder you get so many tourists. I had a cousin who lived there but has now moved back to Campbeltown. I'm glad I found this site I am ashamed to say I know very little about birds so I am hoping to learn more just by being on here.

bye for now


Hi Jeanette - any questions just ask - there's always someone will come up with the answer.

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