Impossible to tell the bill-shape from photos of this very low quality (no offence). With such extreme fuzziness, small/thin things get ’eaten into’ by the mush, and their apparent shape is destroyed.the thin bill
...or just invented some colour? - check the now-reddish edge to the rock. I find the first-posted versions more plausible/useful (if still pretty useless! - no offence).a quick automatic colour adjustment in Photoshop brought some details back...
Water Pipit for me.
Just this other one, Alexander. Even more blurred than the others, but it might show the bill somehow better. Sorry for the quality of the photos. The bird may have been 100 meters away.Hello,
any more pictures?
No probs...or just invented some colour? - check the now-reddish edge to the rock. I find the first-posted versions more plausible/useful (if still pretty useless! - no offence).
I'm afraid that the wings are too long and pointed for any pipit...Far from certain for me but first thought was Water Pipit.
no consensus, especially it can't be a pipit with these long, pointed first impression was Northern Wheatear but opted not to comment since there seemed to be a consensus on Water Pipit
Odd comment - the wings (whether primaries or primaries completely covered by tertials) are exactly the length and shape one would expect from a pipit. Structure is also fine for a pipit and wrong for, e.g., wheatear. Given the quality of the image I'm not going to start inferring what may or may not be plumage features consensus, especially it can't be a pipit with these long, pointed primaries.
Nothing odd, you should know that Motacillidae (pipits, wagtails, longclaws) have no primary projection (rare exceptions such Petchora Pipit don't occur the Alps), as tertial tips reach primary tips. It means the tip of the wings are rounded and not pointed as here, so no, it is definitely not a pipit. The body shape is also wrong for a pipit, so we can exclude Anthus without any doubt.Odd comment - the wings (whether primaries or primaries completely covered by tertials) are exactly the length and shape one would expect from a pipit. Structure is also fine for a pipit and wrong for, e.g., wheatear. Given the quality of the image I'm not going to start inferring what may or may not be plumage features though.
Definitely not a wheatear nor a pipit (explanation just above). Difficult to tell what it is, may be a finch such a linnet, the photo will probably never allow a definitive ID.I agree, it's probably a pipit. The tail is too long for a wheatear.