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Hi fellow birders! (1 Viewer)


New member

I'm new to this forum - although I have stumbled on it very usefully many times via web searches - re. equipment and techniques.

I've been a stills photographer for many years (everything from fisheyes to 1200mm, 35mm to large format - and everything in between), however, now I'm mainly interested in circa 2000-5000mm 4K (UHD) film/video with reasonable sound - just trying to capture the amazing sights I see through a powerful telescope and the amazing sounds I hear using highly directional microphones. If photos are two-dimensional then I'm interested in 4D - time (movement) and sound.

I'm trying to push digiscoping as far as I can - an on-going DIY project (started last October (2017) - although I do use other equipment sometimes (bridge camera). I'm continually striving to improve - just trying to do these beautiful creatures justice - but I don't have the equipment or resources of the likes of the BBC Natural History Unit!

It's amazing that YouTube now supports 4K (UHD - or 2 x HD - horizontally and vertically = 3840 x 2160 pixels) so it is very easy to share this very disc-greedy footage! I have recently started a YouTube channel @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNBRvK_RcVoj6WFm2z8GRg
(everything prior to Oct 2017 are just holiday snaps). (Best results are at the 4K resolution - even if your monitor/Smart TV screen doesn't support it.)

I look forward to sharing ideas and results.

Cambridge, UK
Hi there and a warm welcome to you from those of us on staff here at BirdForum :t:

We're glad you found us and thanks for taking a moment to say hello. Please join in wherever you like ;)
Hi fBirder and a warm welcome from me too.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here. I hope to hear about all the birds you see when out and about and maybe we'll be able to see some of your pictures in the Gallery too.
Welcome to BirdForum! I am sure you will find lots to interest you here, and I hope you enjoy your visits.
Hello, just wanted to add one more welcome to the forum. I’m sure you will find a lot of useful information on here.
Welcome to Bird Forum. In Cambridge you are within reach of so many terrific birding sites in Norfolk and Suffolk and CAmbridgeshire itself that you must be spoiled for choice!

Enjoy your visits here


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