I'm new to this forum - although I have stumbled on it very usefully many times via web searches - re. equipment and techniques.
I've been a stills photographer for many years (everything from fisheyes to 1200mm, 35mm to large format - and everything in between), however, now I'm mainly interested in circa 2000-5000mm 4K (UHD) film/video with reasonable sound - just trying to capture the amazing sights I see through a powerful telescope and the amazing sounds I hear using highly directional microphones. If photos are two-dimensional then I'm interested in 4D - time (movement) and sound.
I'm trying to push digiscoping as far as I can - an on-going DIY project (started last October (2017) - although I do use other equipment sometimes (bridge camera). I'm continually striving to improve - just trying to do these beautiful creatures justice - but I don't have the equipment or resources of the likes of the BBC Natural History Unit!
It's amazing that YouTube now supports 4K (UHD - or 2 x HD - horizontally and vertically = 3840 x 2160 pixels) so it is very easy to share this very disc-greedy footage! I have recently started a YouTube channel @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNBRvK_RcVoj6WFm2z8GRg
(everything prior to Oct 2017 are just holiday snaps). (Best results are at the 4K resolution - even if your monitor/Smart TV screen doesn't support it.)
I look forward to sharing ideas and results.
Cambridge, UK
I'm new to this forum - although I have stumbled on it very usefully many times via web searches - re. equipment and techniques.
I've been a stills photographer for many years (everything from fisheyes to 1200mm, 35mm to large format - and everything in between), however, now I'm mainly interested in circa 2000-5000mm 4K (UHD) film/video with reasonable sound - just trying to capture the amazing sights I see through a powerful telescope and the amazing sounds I hear using highly directional microphones. If photos are two-dimensional then I'm interested in 4D - time (movement) and sound.
I'm trying to push digiscoping as far as I can - an on-going DIY project (started last October (2017) - although I do use other equipment sometimes (bridge camera). I'm continually striving to improve - just trying to do these beautiful creatures justice - but I don't have the equipment or resources of the likes of the BBC Natural History Unit!
It's amazing that YouTube now supports 4K (UHD - or 2 x HD - horizontally and vertically = 3840 x 2160 pixels) so it is very easy to share this very disc-greedy footage! I have recently started a YouTube channel @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNBRvK_RcVoj6WFm2z8GRg
(everything prior to Oct 2017 are just holiday snaps). (Best results are at the 4K resolution - even if your monitor/Smart TV screen doesn't support it.)
I look forward to sharing ideas and results.
Cambridge, UK