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Help pls Which phone/ compact camera? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I currently use a Canon DSLR set up with 100-400mm lens and for more distant subjects I digiscope with a Canon 90mm pancake lens on my DSLR body OR I phonescope with my Apple iphone XR, taking stills and/ or video. While the handheld digi option gives me reach and detail, the pics tend to be dark, soft and (with a typically high ISO) quite grainy; with the iphone the image is brighter but general quality is usually too poor when viewed on a laptop, especially in lower light situations. I think this may be due to the size of the camera sensor.

I'm toying with the idea of an iphone upgrade. A budget of a few hundred pounds (maybe £5-600) might rule out a new version of the latest model but what could I get for this much? The camera specs of different models are hard to understand when I try to compare them. Or is there a comparable compact camera I should consider instead of phonescoping?

Thanks for any advice on this.
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