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Hello everyone (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I am really pleased to have found this forum, I have always loved and watched the birds (my late fathers influence) but recently have decided to take it up as a more serious hobby and have found myself hungry for information. I hope that I will learn things here to kick start myself into action so that I will soon be watching more than Mallards and Blue Tits!

I hope to eventually have the courage to join a club or association so that I can go on trips, as my Husband doesnt share my love of birds anything other than glancing at birds while walking the dogs will have to be done alone and to be honest I dont feel totally safe alone in remote places, so I really do need to get out there and meet likeminded people.
Hello Runestone and a warm welcome to you from those of us on staff here at BirdForum.

We're glad you found us and we have loads of info here so take your time looking around and just holler if you have any questions.
Hi, Runestone! Welcome to BirdForum!

Lots of BF members in your area who will be able to suggest local clubs and areas for birding. From what we on this side of the pone hear of outings there in the UK, they're usually very well attended. :t:
Hello Runestone and a warm welcome to Bird Forum from sunny France! This is a friendly group of people and so just ask away if you have any questions.
hi,welcome to BF.As you live in the London area have you thought of going to the Wetlands centre to birdwatch,should be pretty safe there,lots of birds and you could meet and make some birding friends.
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