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Hello and Thank you (1 Viewer)


Hello to the Forum,

During a search for information about binoculars and birding references, I stumbled upon your Forum. It has been a fortuitous discovery, and I wish to express my thanks to both the individuals and the organization for the atmosphere of cooperation and consideration, as well as the vast knowledge base represented here.

My present home is in Southeastern Utah, USA, in a paradoxical valley off of the Colorado River, in the middle of the red rocks and desert. I am a neophyte to serious birding, with the exception that I seem to have always been looking and absorbed a familiarity with most of the typical residents of my original home in Austin, Texas.

Thank you,

JR Hudgins
Hi jrhudgins,

On behalf of Admin and the Moderators welcome to Bird Forum :t:

I'm glad to haer tht you like the site and I look forward to reading about some of the birds you get in your area. We already have one or two members from Southern Utah, including a good friend of mine who lives in St.George. Sounds like yuo are a just a bit more remote though!

See you around.
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