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greater usage at lower magnification (1 Viewer)

k casey

hi all!!
I am seeking some advice.I own a fz10,and have recently purchased a tcon17 lens.Do you think that if I cut 20mm off the lens hood thus allowing the tcon17 to sit that much closer therefore allowing me to use a lower magnificationwith the lens .I have just bought the lens and I think I can get a clear shot at about 7x.Will sitting it closer to the prime lens give me more usage.Thanks for any feedback. :frog:
Hi K,

because the Tcon 17 needs an additional adaptor in order to attach it to the FZ10/20 cameras, I'm not sure if what you're aiming for is achievable.

The adaptor takes the place of the lens hood as I recall (I'm still waiting for my Tcon and adaptor, so this is from memory), and the Tcon screws into the adaptor.

So, chopping up the Panasonic lens hood is likely only to result in a small lens hood - but it won't have any bearing on how the Tcon works, because the lens hood isn't used with the Tcon...
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I recently bought a tcon17 lens to fit to my fz10 camera.I had actually read on this site that an adapter and step down ring were required.But,at times we do some strange things.I went to a large camera shop and asked for a Phayee or Parmaal adapter and stepdown.They told me that brand was not available, what they had was a step down ring which attached to the pana lens cover and the other to the converter.Well I was happy.Forgot about the adapter.When I got home I tried it out,to find I could get a full focus at about 7x.Well I fluffed about for a while and discovered that their was a gap(in my head)between the primary lens and the tcon.Well in my wisdm I thought that if I could cut off 20mm off the lens hood I would be able to get a full picture at a lower power.Well, the penny has dropped and I realise that an adapter is the go ,which sits on the primary lens.Wallah!!!I think I have it.
Now Keith,can you please check my long winded reply and give me the tick or flick.Thanks Mate. :brains:
Hi K,

I'm really out of my depth here, mate.

All I know about the camera and Tcon is what I've gleaned from here, and I'm afraid that I've exhausted my extremely limited repertoire of knowledge on the subject already.

All I know is that the FZ20, the Tcon 17 and the Pemaraal PA55H adaptor (these being the bits I've got) work very well together.

What you are trying to do is really what a precision made adapter already does i.e. locate the rear of the Tcon-17 close to the front of the lens element without actually touching it.

Using the plastic Panasonic lens hood will work if you cut it down, but I'd be very very careful as when the lens moves out when you power up, it the lens and teleconverter touch, you could damage both the lens mechanism and the converter if the glass surfaces touch.

Best advice is to buy the Pemaraal adapter or make do with the lens hood as it is, but will reduced quality results.
For the FZ10 - http://www.pemaraal.com/fz10ac.html
I have an FZ-10 and bought the phayee adapter of ebay.... I am very happy with it and it is well made from machined aluminium. I dont use a tconverter but i do use a nikon 6T macro lens and it sits it nice and snug to the front lens.
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