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Good news (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
A pair of Hobby have bred in Cumbria for the first time ever at Foulshaw Moss a Cumbria Wildlife Trust site in the south of the county. It's also a regular breeding site for Osprey.
Ulpha Meadows which is an extension of the reserve- managed by the same organisation- appears to now be exclusively a bird reserve, rather than having to be shared with local shooters- or at least that is apparently so. There was an ongoing disagreement whether or not there were any shooting rights, but when I walked past it recently much of edges the lake area was overgrown with reeds. In this state would make it very difficult for anyone to see through the vegetation and take aim at any wildfowl.
If I'm incorrect then no doubt someone will put me right.
The Trust does a remarkably good job and if anyone feels so inclined then why not help them out and join? It doesn't cost a lot and joining can easily be done on line.
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