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Falco sp. (Eurasian Hobby/Amur Falcon), Singapore (1 Viewer)

Does Amur have such coarse streaking on the breast. It looks fine for Hobby to me, but I have no experience with Amur.

hope to hear it,
Dear Raghavn
Given the quality of the pictures, it's really difficult.
It's not an adult female Amur for sure and not a full adult Hobby either
So juvenile (second calendar year would look adult by now)
The bold streaking on the breast could be either in my opinion, the very uniform underwing is obviously better for Hobby as you can see quite a few details on the body but none in the underwing.
Which makes me really say Hobby however is the dark central tail feather pair not seen in Amur (unbarred dark in Hobby)


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Given that Eurasian hobbies have showed up in South East Asia and even, quite recently, Western Australia, it's a bit of a surprise that this species (or indeed the Oriental hobby) hasn't been more commonly recorded in Singapore. The big barn swallow roost in Yishun (does that still happen these days?) could be worth a watch at this time of the year...
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