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Excited to purchase Monarch 82ED (1 Viewer)


Active member
Well guys, I'm new to spotting scopes, but after reading a number of threads on this forum I have decided on the Nikon Monarch 82ED A. Got a good deal on a new unit. This will be used for wildlife viewing, astronomy, and digiscoping. Also got an additional eyepiece, the 24x / 30xW DS. So I guess if i have questions I'll post them here.

Thanks for all the info.
Are you sure about the extra eyepiece? I think the 24/30x W DS only fits the old field scopes. The only 30x eyepiece for the Monarch 82ED I'm aware of is the MEP-30-FS-MOA with an integrated reticle, not a desirable feature for most users.
We've probably read the same threads about this. The only negative appears to be the presence of excess lateral colour in the 20-60 eyepiece. The body can be bought separately in the UK, opening up numerous third party options, but I'm looking for a scope to work straight out of the box.

So I've ordered the 60mm version - if nothing else, to scratch an itch and see with my own eyes. I'll post my impressions briefly here and on another thread (they won't be technical), and in particular, how it compares to the Kowa TSN-773 (bought two days ago), the Swarovski ATS65, and a couple of other scopes I tried when I bought the Kowa.

The thing that interests me most about the Nikon is the 30x wide angle EP, of which there is nothing to offer the equivalent FOV with the Kowa. I've ordered the 20-60 zoom and the 30x wide angle EP. For the cost of return postage, I just want to be sure that I was right in buying the Kowa, as I didn't have the chance to try the Nikon at the same time.

Also got an additional eyepiece, the 24x / 30xW DS.

Can you clarify or provide a link to those? I was under the impression that only three EPs fit the Monarch - the two MEP zooms and the MEP-38W (which is 30x on the 60mm scope).

PS. As I write, Henry has beaten me to it to query this.
Sorry to be the harbinger of bad news, but that eyepiece won't fit the new Monarch - apart from anything, it has a screw thread and the new ones are bayonet mounted. The unfortunate truth about 'alpha' scopes is that the eyepieces and digi-scoping accessories are relatively expensive.

I'm not even sure Nikon do a digi-scoping camera mount for these scopes and anything other than Nikon cameras, whereas Kowa (for instance) accommodate several makes of camera. I'm not into digi-scoping, but it's something others might consider.
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Are you sure about the extra eyepiece? I think the 24/30x W DS only fits the old field scopes. The only 30x eyepiece for the Monarch 82ED I'm aware of is the MEP-30-FS-MOA with an integrated reticle, not a desirable feature for most users.

The fixed EP is the MEP-38W (38x on the 82mm and 30x on the 60mm scope) which, if Nikon's published specifications are correct, doesn't to have an integrated reticle. I should get my 60ED-A in a couple of hour's time.

To adapt your 30x Nikon eyepiece to the Monarch scope you'll need a readily available Nikon camera "T" adapter, which fits the bayonet mount of the scope body. Then hopefully your machinist friend will be able to make an adapter ring with female threads for the Nikon eyepiece screw mount on one side of the adapter and male "T" threads to screw into the "T" adapter on the other side. Magnification with the Monarch scope will be a little below 30x, probably between 28x and 29x. You might want to first do a quick test for infinity focus by holding up the 30x eyepiece behind the scope bayonet at about the distance from the scope it will be once the adapters are in place.

Check this post for the adapters needed to use 1.25" and 2" eyepieces (those that can reach infinity focus) and the Baader Mark IV zoom eyepiece.

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congratulations to what I hope will turn out to be a great scope!

Please test it when you have received it and let us know what you think - it should be able to show a crisp image at 60x with an easy to find point of best focus on a cool morning and if you want to do a star test (either at night or with a diy artificial star), we will gladly have a look at the diffraction images...

As for the 24x/30x DS - if you cannot get it adapted, you should be able to sell it on easily - probably with some earnings as 75 CDN is a steal...
We obviously would be very interested in any stories about the adaption too - regardless of success or not...

I just got the Monarch 60ED-A.

Edit: I did a first impression an hour or so ago, but I was worried - being a relative newcomer to good birding scopes - that I jumped to judgement a bit too soon. So I've deleted it for now and copied my thoughts for a more considered and edited update later.

So, having put the Nikon back in the box, I've taken it out again and done a bit more watching of my bird feeder. On second glance I am warming to it... I think, in part, due to the wider FoV that the 20mm end of the zoom is giving me, compared to 25mm on the Kowa. The other thing is, it's so damn well made, albeit in China (but I won't go into that).

Meanwhile, Henry has commented on my initial thoughts below, for which I thank him for adding to my scant knowledge.
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I hope this helps someone. I reiterate that these are only initial impressions and (as a complete amateur) my thoughts are based mainly on wanting to compare the Nikon to the Kowa, to see if I made the right choice. That might not be a conventional, or fair, like-for-like comparison, but I didn't want a big 82mm scope and, as a mint/used example, the Kowa was priced almost like-for-like with the 60mm Nikon.
I would have though that the 82mm Nikon would have been about right for an apples to apples comparison to the 77mm Kowa. Size is not much different and the Nikon 82 actually weighs two ounces less than the Kowa 77.

The CA you see at the field edge is Lateral CA from the eyepiece. The Nikon Monarch zooms are about average compared to other zooms. The Kowa 25-60x zoom is usually well corrected for lateral CA. The Baader Mk IV zoom has only a little more Lateral CA than the Kowa, which is one reason I prefer it to the Nikon zooms on the Monarch ED82.
Size is not much different and the Nikon 82 actually weighs two ounces less than the Kowa 77.

The Kowa 773 is 46.9oz and the 82mm Monarch 57.8oz - bodies only (300 grams for the metrically inclined).

Is the Baader Mk IV zoom good for birding or astro, or both - and is it the one below? Is there a conversion table for 1 1/4" eyepieces, so that it's possible to see what magnification it equates to on the Nikon? Many questions, sorry!


there is a number of 505mm focal length for the Monarch 82ED somewhere on here as guessed by Henry...

That would mean that the Monarch 20-60 zoom is 8.5-25mm and with that we get 404mm for the 60ED... since the Baader is 8-24mm, you will get a tad more magnification with it... like 21-63x on the 82mm and 17-50,5x on the 60ED.

PS: magnification = objective focal length / eyepiece focal length

The Kowa 773 is 46.9oz and the 82mm Monarch 57.8oz - bodies only (300 grams for the metrically inclined).

Is the Baader Mk IV zoom good for birding or astro, or both - and is it the one below? Is there a conversion table for 1 1/4" eyepieces, so that it's possible to see what magnification it equates to on the Nikon? Many questions, sorry!

I would give the same answer as Joachim based on my own measurements. I haven't found any official Nikon specs for The Monarch scopes focal lengths.

Looks like I was misled by Nikon's weight spec for the Monarch 82, which appeared to be the total weight with 20-60x eyepiece, but was the body only.
Thanks chaps. I feel like I've been hijacking the thread, but having given the Nikon a bit more time on the tripod I might order the 82mm and scratch yet another itch.

Henry - I noticed that in the USA the wide angle EP does come with a reticle, so we were both right. More demand from hunters in the States than in the UK, is my guess... most shooting over here is game birds and management of deer.
The scope was mail ordered, so is on its way still.

Well, I didn't pay too much for the eyepiece, $75 CDN. It states that it is for Field Scope III /Scope ED. I had assumed that the Monarch was a fieldscope and thus would fit. Wonder what I'd have to do to get it to fit as this eyepiece seems to be well spoken of. I do have a machinist friend that I see daily.

It is this one specifically.

That one is for the older Nikon fieldscopes. If you can't return it I would buy it off you for what you paid, I am also in Canada (Alberta). That is a good price, I don't really need it as I have a 38x for my 82A fieldscope, but have been wanting to try the 30x DS.
I was able to get the 30x DS eyepiece adapted to fit the monarch. Quite pleased with it, as it's pleasant to look through this versus the narrower view of the 20-60 zoom. I do think I'll go ahead and try to sell the zoom.
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