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Eastern Phoebe Fledging. (1 Viewer)

I live in rural northern Maine. I have become a back yard bird watcher and can do it all day long. Last year was my first year having wrens nest in one of my little houses and have eastern phoebes nesting in my carport for many years! I never really paid much attention in the past and it was usually only when I would see their chicks dead. It gets cold up here. This is the type of summer we dream of up here and the phoebes are thriving and I also have a nest box filled with tree swallow eggs! First time ever seeing one. I am 100% invested! I actually know many bird songs and calls and walk around every where with my Merlin app open. I didn’t even think until today to look for a bird forum.

I’ve been feeding them for years and have houses up forever too but I’ve upgraded my entire front yard for them.

Thanks for having me and have a lovely summer! I know I will! 🙂


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Ok I have thriving baby eastern phoebe chicks and we are now on day 17 and they have not fledged yet. They look real ready and how all 5 of them are fitting in that cup is beyond me.
It this normal? I’ve read everywhere it’s anywhere from 14-16 days and then in other spots it’s up to 22. I have been watching them on my camera obsessively just waiting and am starting to get impatient…. On the other hand it’ll be sad to see them go.
How long is the longest you’ve seen them fledge? Anyone?
There are no threats in the immediate area. Weather was rainy the last 2 days and today it’s pretty windy…..
Yeah I’m getting impatient. Lol
I leave them alone and would like to get back outside. I noticed that when I’m outside they all even the parents either don’t move or won’t feed them. So respectfully I am giving them their space. 🫣
The video shows how they have been for the last 4 days. They also get me so excited as they all take turns flapping their wings on the edge of the nest.
Right now they are still being fed quite a bit! Both parents are there every few minutes. I have such a great view! 🤗



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Hi SonowIwatchbirds, welcome to the forum on behalf of the staff and moderators. I think you will find us a friendly and helpful group. Nice feeder area. We have another recent member from Maine, nice to see your state being represented.

From what I’ve read they won’t fully leave the nest until 14-16 days after fledging. And that doesn’t occur until 16-20 days after hatching, so you are still on track.

(Also, for future reference we don’t allow nest photos on the site. To many folks get to close and cause problems for the parents who then abandon the nest. [It doesn’t look like you have.])
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Hi SonowIwatchbirds, welcome to the forum on behalf of the staff and moderators. I think you will find us a friendly and helpful group. Nice feeder area. We have another recent member from Maine, nice to see your state being represented.

From what I’ve read they won’t fully leave the nest until 14-16 days after fledging. And that doesn’t occur until 16-20 days after hatching, so you are still on track.

(Also, for future reference we don’t allow nest photos on the site. To many folks get to close and cause problems for the parents who then abandon the nest. [It doesn’t look like you have.])
No I won’t even go out in my carport unless I absolutely have to and my car is in the driveway. I respect my little feathered friends and agree with that rule. 🙂
Hi SonowIwatchBirds and a warm welcome from me too.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I hope to hear about all the birds you see when out and about.
Hi there SonowIwatchBirds and a warm welcome to you :)

I'm originally from New York so I do know just how cold it gets up North ;) So glad you found us and glad you joined us ;) Looking forward to hearing all your news from up North :)
I was searching for information about phoebe fledglings and found this forum and your post here...so I registered and am now a new member!
Being I life-long bird observer, I'm surprised I never joined a forum such as this one, but I have kept a journal of my observations over the years...I am also a Maine resident (southern ME).
I'm happy to hear of your positive experience with nesting phoebes. I also had a successful phoebe nesting this spring with three fledglings, although the parent birds chose a most unusual site for their nest...the front of my shed, right in the path of where my door latched to the shed wall. So it was difficult for me to enter the shed for about a month...I essentially stayed away from it until the young birds had fledged. Near the end, I had to enter the shed for some tools and inadvertently sent the fledglings flying early!
I think it was close to 14 days, and they stayed around my woods for awhile...I heard and observed the parents feeding them.
Over the years I've noticed that my phoebes go away for most of the summer and then come back later in late August or September. This year was no different, but I always wondered where they go and do the fledglings come back to this site in the fall. I had a small group of them come back lately, and wondered if they were the same birds that had fledged here earlier in the springtime. I guess I'll never know. But it is always nice to have them return here before they head south.
I've had maybe only 4 or 5 successful phoebe nests over the past 20 years, many unsuccessful attempts for reasons unknown....mostly predators and sometimes just abandonment by the parents. I have even observed cowbird eggs in past phoebe nests under my deck, and I don't interfere...although in recent years, happily I've have not seen many cowbirds around.

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