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Dubai, July (3 Viewers)


Well-known member

This is probably a naïve question, but I'll ask it anyway.

My partner is going to Dubai for a few days from tomorrow (very short notice business trip). As a consequence of flight availability she will definitely have some free time. Looking at the sightings page on uaebirding.com there are virtually no records for June, July or (2016 and 2017) August. Is that simply because it's too bloody hot?

She'll probably want to at least get out of the hotel at some time during her free time. Are there any easy (and safe for a solo female) sites that she can get to either by public transport or reasonably priced taxis. I don't know yet where she will be staying but it will be somewhere 'central' (my only experience of Dubai is the airport, so I don't even know what 'central' means). Is Pallas's Gull a possibility. She's seen one before but it was distant. I get the impression from my small amount of research that it might be a possibility.
Thanks for that, albatross02. I'd been looking at Ras al Khor as a possibility. I've read in one report that there is/was an air-conditioned hide. I'll pass the details on.
Dont recall any air con in either of the hides but improvements may have been made in the 18 months since I last visited? Either way it will offer some respite from the sun with birds always on show.

Additionally you may wish to take advance of one of the parks (Creekside or what remains of Safa) to seek some shade and a range of different birds. Depending where you are staying there may be a local pocket park - Al Barsha Pond has been a favourite of mine.
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