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Drongo-Cuckoos (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
In reviewing the possible split of Surniculus dicruroides & lugubris, I've found that the entire taxonomy seems to be a bit of a mess.

Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) indicate both on the plates of v1 & in the text of v2 that dicruroides refers to the fork-tailed taxon, & that it is found in sw. India & Sri Lanka. Other sources I've referenced - Internet Bird Collection, Globaltwitcher, Robson (2002) - indicate that dicruroides refers to the square-tailed taxon, and that it is found from the Himalayas of n. India eastwards & then south through Indochina. Leaving aside for a moment the question of whether a split is justified, I just can't seem to sort out which name properly belongs to which form!
Clements 2010 gives the range of dicruroides as N India to s China and Indochina; winters to Indonesia.

The name lugubris type area is Java. (Horsfield) The name dicruroides type area is Nepal. (Hodgson) Blyth called the lugubris birds Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo. He named the dicruroides birds Fork-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo.
A catalogue of the birds in the museum of the Hon. East-India Company, Volume 2 Moore & Horsfield 1858.
Thanks all. Looks like Rasmussen & Anderton had it completely backwards, both in scientific name & common name. Odd that there's no errata for that (that I could find, anyway).
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