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Disappearing Rookery (1 Viewer)

Hi all,

There is a rookery near my house (rural area, mostly dairy farming with a few sheep) which has been there since I have lived here but yesterday I noticed when walking by that it was very quiet and when I looked into the tree there wasn't a single nest in it, when before there had been loads. Would a dairy farmer get rid of them all and, if so, why? Or could it just be that the recent storms have obliterated them all - seems weird that every single one of them would be destroyed though.

This morning, the rooks are all there in the now nest-less tree so at least they haven't all disappeared too.


Welcome TM!
There was a thread on this subject which had lots of theories and possible explanations :
Welcome TM!
There was a thread on this subject which had lots of theories and possible explanations :
That's really interesting, thanks Richard. I'll go for a walk later and see if I can see another tree they might have moved it all to as it seems from that thread they do that sometimes. Seems incredibly odd but I'm sure I would have noticed if it was something more sinister. The tree is only about 300m from my house and I have no neighbours for half a mile in any direction so I'm sure I would have heard something if somebody was removing the nests. I can't see any reason the farmer would want rid of them - the gulls in the fields far outweigh the rooks.

Hopefully they've just decided to relocate, although I'm still quite sad as I really enjoyed seeing them all the time.

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