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Deceased bird half in and half out bitdhouse (1 Viewer)


New member
United States
2 weeks ago a pair of house wrens successfully nested and the babies fledged.
Today I was checking the house and spied a dead wren (looks to be an adult) wedged half in and half out of the opening. Prior to today the opening to the house was clear of anything. The dead bird was pretty dehydrated looking and one side of its head looked deformed.
Does anyone have an idea what could have happened to this bird? I’ve seen two clutches (one last year and one this year) be successful, so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the house itself (opening 1 1/8”).
I removed the bird but didn’t look into the house itself. I’m planning to do this over the weekend. All thoughts welcomed.
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I’m sorry I can’t help.
Best guess: bird died inside the box. No way to know why - disease, injury... it's been quite hot in most of the US lately, that may be a factor.
Perhaps something (crow?) tried to get the bird out of the box after it had been dead for a while.

Deformed head might be a clue to cause of death (or it might be due to something postmortem) - can you describe it in more detail?

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