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David Armitage Bannerman and his many birds (1 Viewer)


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Bannermania Mathews & Iredale, 1915 OD ser.10:v.3=no.[9-12] (1915) - Ibis - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Anthus bannermani Bates, 1930 OD v.51=no.344-352 (1930-1931) - Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club - Biodiversity Heritage Library
I named this bird in honour of Mr. David Bannerman, from whom I received much help in arranging for my collecting trip.
Apus affinis bannermani Hartert, E 1928 OD v. 34 (1927-28) - Novitates zoologicae - Biodiversity Heritage Library
...in honour of Mr. David Bannerman, who has written about the birds of this islands, and who confirmed the difference from the specimens in the British Museum and supplied the measurements of the latter.
Buteo bannermani Swann, 1919 OD A synoptical list of the Accipitres (diurnal birds of prey) - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Cecropis abyssinica bannermani (Grant & Mackworth-Praed, 1942) OD v.62=no.439-443 (1941-1942) - Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Named in honour of Dr. A. Bannerman.
Cyanomitra bannermani Grant & Mackworth-Praed, 1943 OD v.63=no.444-448 (1942-1943) - Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Named in honour of Dr. A. Bannerman, who has remarked on the labels of this specimens that they probably represent a new race, and desires that we should give it a name.
Ploceus bannermani Chapin, 1932 https://digitallibrary.amnh.org/ser.../4ea7e3bb-5098-4ddf-a9e9-8e101d01bf50/content
...and now it is certain that Alexander's black-faced weaver represents a distinct species, which I here name in honor of Mr. David A. Bannerman.
Puffinus bannermani Mathews & Iredale, 1915 OD ser.10:v.3=no.[9-12] (1915) - Ibis - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Terpsiphone batesi bannermani Chapin, 1948 OD v.31 (1948-1951) - Annals of the Carnegie Museum - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Tauraco bannermani (Bates, 1923) OD v.41-43=no.253-280 (1920-1923) - Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Buccanodon duchaillui bannermani Serle, 1949 OD v.69 (1948-1949) - Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club - Biodiversity Heritage Library
This new race is named after Dr. David Bannerman, whose work has done so much to encourage field ornithologists in West Africa.
Trichophorus swainsoni bannermani Gyldenstolpe, 1923 OD v.41-43=no.253-280 (1920-1923) - Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Cursorius cursor bannermani Rothschild, 1923 OD v.41-43=no.253-280 (1920-1923) - Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Mr. David Bannerman, in answer to a question, said that in his opinion the Canary Island Courser was resident in the Archipelago throughout the year.
Cyornis pallipes bannermani Delacours & Jabouille, 1924 OD v.45=no.290-298 (1924-1925) - Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Named in honour of Mr. D. Bannerman, of the British Museum.
Plocepasser superciliosus bannermani Grant & Mackworth-Praed, 1943 OD v.64=no.449-453 (1943-1944) - Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club - Biodiversity Heritage Library
Dr. D. A. Bannerman, who drew our attention to the fact that these specimens probably represented a new race and desired that we should give it a name.
Scopus umbretta bannermani Grant, 1914 OD v.35-37=no.200-226 (1914-1917) - Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club - Biodiversity Heritage Library
As apparently first pointed out by Major Kelsall and Mr. Bannerman....

The Eponym Dictionary of Birds
Storm-petrel genus Bannermania Mathews & Iredale, 1915 NCR [Now in Oceanodroma]
Bannerman's Shearwater Puffinus bannermani Mathews & Iredale, 1915
Bannerman's Turaco Tauraco bannermani G. L. Bates, 1923
Bannerman's Weaver Ploceus bannermani Chapin, 1932
Bannerman's Sunbird Cyanomitra bannermani C. H. B. Grant & Mackworth-Praed, 1943
Cape Verde Buzzard Buteo buteo bannermani Swann, 1919 [Alt. Common Buzzard ssp.]
Cream-coloured Courser ssp. Cursorius cursor bannermani Rothschild, 1923 NCR [NUI Cursorius cursor cursor]
Little Swift ssp. Apus affinis bannermani Hartert, 1928
Bannerman's Pipit Anthus similis bannermani G. L. Bates, 1930 [Alt. Long-billed Pipit ssp.]
Bannerman's Paradise-flycatcher Terpsiphone batesi bannermani Chapin, 1948 [Alt. Bates's Paradise-flycatcher ssp.]
Dr David Armitage Bannerman (1886–1979) was a British ornithologist on the staff of the BMNH. He was Chairman of the British Ornithologists' Club (1932–1935) and became Honorary President of the Scottish Ornithologists' Club (1959). He was an early leader in the conservation movement. His numerous publications include the standard multivolume works The Birds of Tropical West Africa and The Birds of the Atlantic Islands. (Bannerman met a young District Commissioner in West Africa who was a keen birdwatcher, who told him that he took the former work with him on Safari, to which news Bannerman exclaimed 'Not all 8 volumes?' The young man replied 'It only means another porter'). Malcolm Ogilvie, a leading British ornithologist, told us: 'I met him a number of times before he died. He retired here [to Scotland] after a long and very productive life producing books on West Africa, the Canaries, the Azores, the British Isles, Cyprus, etc., etc., all lavishly produced, with specially commissioned paintings by George Lodge and David Reid-Henry paid for by Bannerman himself who had a private income.'

Dr David Armitage Bannerman (1886-1979) English ornithologist, collector (subsp. Anthus similis, subsp. Apus affinis, syn. Buccanodon duchaillui, subsp. Buteo buteo, subsp. Cecropis abyssinica, syn. Criniger ndussumensis, syn. Cursorius cursor, Cyanomitra, syn. Cyornis rubeculoides klossi, syn. Plocepasser superciliosus, Ploceus, Puffinus, syn. Scopus umbretta, subsp. Terpsiphone batesi, Tauraco)

(Hydrobatidae; syn. Hydrobates Ϯ Hornby's Storm-petrel H. hornbyi ) Dr David Armitage Bannerman (1886-1979) English ornithologist; "Since the 'Birds of Australia' was published a very useful summary of the distribution of the Tubinares in the North Atlantic Ocean by D. A. Bannerman has appeared in the 'Ibis' for July 1914, pp. 438-494. ... When Coues separated Cymochorea and restricted Oceanodroma to furcata he included with that species hornbyi Gray. ... It differs absolutely in coloration from Oceanodroma or the dusky Petrels of the Hydrobates-Halocyptena-Cymochorea-group. It recalls to us a similar anomalous form from the south, Pelagodroma marina Latham. ... The species hornbyi has just as distinctive coloration, and as it does not correlate at all with any of the other members of the family, we propose for it the generic name BANNERMANIA, gen. nov." (Mathews & Iredale 1915); "Bannermania Mathews and Iredale, Ibis, 1915, p. 578. Type, by monotypy, Thalassidroma hornbyi Gray." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 72).

Mearns & Mearns 2022 have him as:
David Armitage Bannerman (1886–1979), ... English ornithologist (born in Manchester) ... served the British Natural History Museum, in London, for more than 40 years. "... was no desk-bound taxonomist. ... a great believer in practical ornithology, mixing active fieldwork with studies of museum skins and the only way that he could manage this to his own satisfaction was to never the permanent staff. ..."

No doubt it is David Armitage Bannerman - Wikipedia or https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1474-919X.1979.tb06698.x or https://the-s-o-c.myshopify.com/cdn/shop/files/sb-vol10-no07.pdf?v=18417323762003101501 or Obituary: David Armitage Bannerman OBE, MA, ScD, Hon.LLD,FRSE (1886-1979) . And of course he was not Scottish as claimed earlier in the key (already corrected). Feel free to add anything of value to this thread.

He honoured his first wife in Saxicola dacotiae murielae Bannerman, 1913 OD v.33-34=no.190-199 (1913-1914) - Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club - Biodiversity Heritage Library
...which I propose to name after my wife:

Muriel Gertrude Bannerman née Morgan (1884-1945) British naturalist, first wife of ornithologist David Bannerman (subsp. Saxicola dacotiae).

Mearns & Mearns:
Muriel Gertrude Bannerman, née Morgan (1884–1945), ... "First wife of British ornithologist David Bannerman. ... born in South Wales ...
If it makes her Welsh instead of British may everyone deside different. But she was discussed already here Saxicola dacotiae murielae Bannerman, 1913

Maybe other wifes are named by him but at the moment I have no clue who at least his second wife was (as I am to tired to research it now).

But from here 1963-68 Birds of the Atlantic Islands
By David Armitage Bannerman and his second wife, Winifred Mary Jane Holland. Bannerman was the Curator of what is now the Natural History Museum from 1919 to 1952.
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